Chapter 30

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*Thanks for the fans and comments! I would appreciate if you guys commented with some good warrior and rogue names. Thanks for reading!*


"Up, you!" A sharp blow took Harvey's breath.

Harvey looked up to see Leather, Fire's second-in-command. His eyes were tired, but they still contained the steady flow of anger as always. It had been about a week since he'd been taken from EarthClan at night. Harvey got up quickly-- Fire didn't like to be kept waiting-- and shook himself to wake up. The morning air in the barn was chilly, but suggested a warmer newleaf day.

He followed Leather from his "prison cell," a drafty corner secluded from the rest of the barn. Harvey was guarded around the clock. He was given decent meals, though, which confused him. Why would he be taken from his new home and best friend, back to his own home? As a prisoner? And given food better than usual? It was too early to think about it.

As they padded across the barn, the oldest cats gave him looks of sympathy. They were pretty much his only allies in this barn. The queens shot him suspicious looks and drew their kits closer to them. Sasha's eyes glowed with scorn; he'd taken her adopted kits. Leather led him up the ladder to the strongest cat's loft; Fire must want him. The giant ginger tabby was perched on a bale of hay, with cats on either side. Cardinal was on one side; he'd been clinging to Fire since Harvey had left, trying to get on the boss' better side. What a teacher's pet, Harvey thought to himself. He loathed his red-furred brother.

Leather kicked him to the middle of the circle of cats. They all had the same look of hate; Fire had brainwashed all of them to act like him, Harvey thought. Fire smiled evilly as he was shoved in front of him.

"Ah, young Harvey," he mewed. "I expect that you're wondering why you've been---"

"Dragged back into this mole-hole?" Harvey suggested. "Yes."

Fire gave him a warning glance. "Don't push me, kid. The reason you're here, Harvey, is for ransom," he said simply.

Harvey thought. "Rainsom? What's that?"

He sighed. "Ran-sum, child. RANSOM. I am keeping you here to tempt your little lover she-cat."

Harvey blushed. "Snowypaw is just a friend, and you know it!"

"Whatever. Well, when we attack those cowards, if they don't surrender, you die."

Harvey's mouth went dry. "Die? Like you're going to kill me, if they attack you?"

Fire smiled and shook his head disapprovingly. "That's what ransom means, Harvey." He looked around at his followers. "Isn't that right, friends?" Murmurs of agreement echoed on the aluminum walls. Morning light filtered through the holes in the roof.

"You can't keep me here!" Harvey exclaimed. "I can go back to the forest whenever I want!" He made a dash for the ladder, not thinking how he'd get down. Two hostile cats blocked his way, and in the second that he registered the fact that he was trapped, a white she-cat dragged him back by the scruff. His furry black body kicked up hay and dust as he struggled, and the white cat sliced his long claws across Harvey's muzzle. Harvey squealed in agony.

Fire smirked. "Thank you, Shimmer. Now," he said looking around. "I have decided that to understand our enemy, we must think like them. Harvey, would you care to explain their systems for us?"

"No!" he protested. "And there are way more cats than there are here! And they have battle training! You don't stand a chance!" Harvey said boldly.

Fire's amber eyes widened. "Oh? You just told us one of their systems?"

Harvey cursed himself under his breath. He had to think about what he said before it exited his mouth.

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