Chapter 12

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"All cats gather beneath the Great Tree!"

The gathering was about to begin, with all the forest cats collecting below the leader's tree. The EarthClan and FieldClan cats were bristling, separated into groups of their own Clan. Sharpstar, Mintstar, Icestar and Dawnstar sat still on the tree until Sharpstar stepped forward.

"Settle down, cats. BeachClan's prey is running well in the lake. Our warrior Pebblethorn has moved to the elder's den. Sleekfur and Lichentail drove a fox out of the forest." BeachClan warriors quietly cheered. "That is all. Mintstar, how is TreeClan faring this leaf-fall?"

Mintstar stepped forward. "TreeClan is doing well, and prey is running smoothly. Ravenpaw has become Ravenwing." She nodded to a black she-cat in the crowd, and the cats around her murmured their congratulations. "Featherwing's kits Applekit, Oakkit, and Flutterkit have become apprentices." More congratulations. "Icestar has not broken her hunting deal. Dawnstar, would you please inform us on the condition of EarthClan?"

Dawnstar cleared his throat. "Our prey is all running well for leaf-fall. Mistyfur has had two kits, Springkit and Patchkit. We also have four new warriors: Sundance, Brindlepelt, Bouncestorm, and Amberstrike." He heard happy yowls from the clearing. "I also would like to report the breaking in of a FieldClan patrol and stealing our catmint and tansy. We scented your warriors, Icestar," Dawnstar mewed with a glance at the old leader, "and we suspect that your Clan is sick, with greencough. Is this true?"

Icestar's gaze hardened. "Yes, Dawnstar, but it was for our sick cats! Would you deny remedies for sick cats if they were your own Clan?"

Dawnstar scowled. "Of course not! But you could've sent a patrol and asked us for herbs---"

"But you may  have said no!"

"--- or waited until the full moon!"

Icestar sighed. "I know. But my clanmates were dying! I couldn't just stand by and let them!"

Dawnstar groaned. StarClan help me, he prayed. "You really have to work on your impulses, Icestar. We would have given you herbs for your Clan, but now we have no tansy or catmint. And it doesn't grow back in a moon! So I demand that you give most of the herbs that were stolen back to EarthClan!" Yowls from EarthClan warriors sounded triumphantly from the clearing.

Icestar bristled. "No! My Clan-"

"I know, Icestar, your Clan is sick. But I have to protect my own Clan."

"Fine!" FieldClan warriors protested from below. "Oh, quiet down! We would've had to give them back anyway! No news from our Clan, yadah yadah yadah, okay! Gathering's over, we can leave!" Icestar stormed down the big oak tree clumsily and sprinted out of the clearing, with her angry warriors following her. Confused cats looked at the break in the trees where FieldClan had disappeared, some growling, and whispering among each other.

Dawnstar sighed. "Well, I guess the Gathering has ended, everyone. There is nothing left to discuss. Go back to your territories, and may StarClan light your path." Dawnstar dropped down from the tree with his amber eyes flashing and ran for the trees. Sharpstar and Mintstar followed quickly after him, slipping through the flowing cats.

When Dawnstar got to the shore of Star Lake, the waters surrounding the Gatheringplace, he stopped on the pebbly shore. He heard pawsteps behind him and guessed who it was: the other leaders, here to try and comfort him.Dawnstar turned to look at them. "What?"

"Calm down," Sharpstar mewed. "Icestar made her decision to defy her end of the deal. It was for her Clan, her family; wouldn't you have done it for your Clan?"

Dawnstar flared. "I would of course take it into my own paws, but at the cost of another Clan? Stealing, without compassion for other cats? Never!" He spit out the last word.

Mintstar held her gaze at Dawnstar. "Your tansy and catmint are gone, I know---"

"And there's a small chance that it'll grow back before leaf-bare!"

"---but there's enough to go around in our territory. Tansy grows in bunches in... our territory, so we could give you some, if your Clan falls sick. Right, Sharpstar?" The gray tom nodded sullenly.

"See? Nothing to worry about." Mintstar's whiskers quivered. "We'll help you."

Dawnstar groaned. "But what about Icestar? What will happen to her? And what about the herbs she agreed to return to us?"

Sharpstar thought for a moment. "Let her keep some; her Clan is ill, after all. But send a small patrol of warriors to go get them. If they start to get agressive, then get some backup. But start small, or they'll jump right to an attack."

Dawnstar nodded. Sharpstar had never really spoken to him; it was only his second Gathering. Mintstar purred. "Right! The problem is settled. Let's go back to our territories; I will see you both next moon." She nodded her cream-colored head, and her striking green eyes glimmered with satisfaction in the moonlight. She trotted back into the clearing, and Dawnstar stayed long enough in the same place to see TreeClan filing off of the island, crossing the grassy bridge back to the mainland. Sharpstar had already crossed the bridge back to their territory, silently as always.

Dawnstar sighed and stood up and stretched, with his white paws slipping on the wet pebbles as the silvery water lapped at the shore. He padded up to the clearing, where EarthClan was waiting. Heads turned as he slipped in, and Skypelt rushed to his side.

"Where were you?" Skypelt looked irritated. "I knew you wouldn't have gone on ahead, so I insisted on waiting. Seriously, let's go now! The sun'll rise before we get back!"

Dawnstar nodded. "Yes, I am so sorry. We'll leave right now, and rush home. Every cat looks asleep on their paws!" Yawns sounded behind him as if on cue.

"I also need to organize the patrols," Skypelt replied. "I heard Whisperpaw gets out of the medicine den today! Mind if I take her on the dawn patrol?"

"Please do! She will be so excited. What else does she have to learn?"

"Well, some battle moves, and how to catch birds. She'll be able to become a warrior in two moons, at the most. Maybe sooner!"

Dawnstar purred. "Great! Whisperpaw will be so happy! Now let's go; I'm exhausted." Dawnstar gave his chest some licks and twitched his tail, and he and his Clan were off towards home.

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