Chapter 7

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<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">She looked like a older, female, version of Gerard. She had on a navy blue pencil skirt and blazer. She must work in an office, and she had light blonde hair and blue eyes unlike Gerard. She smiled broadly and waved her small hand. 

"Hello! You must be Gee's friend, nice to meet you. What's your name, love?" she said nicely. I couldn't help but smile at her friendliness. 

"Grace. My name's Grace, nice to meet you," I said shaking her extended hand. 

"Hello there, I'm Donna by the way. Are you staying for dinner? We have enough if you please," Donna asked politely. 

"It's okay mum, I told he earlier she could stay to eat," Gerard told his mother. 

She nodded, smiling and shooed us away. "Dinner's a surprise. Now run along, have fun kids!" she exclaimed. 

Gerard just rolled his eyes and I chuckled softly. I already like his mother, she was kind, and you could tell she was the caring type, too. Gerard led me back upstairs and he pulled out a box from under his bed. He lifted the carved lid and pulled out three comics. A confused look spread across my pale face. 

Gerard sighed. "These are my favourites. I keep them in here because otherwise Mikey would take them, I didn't even tell him I bought these. They're special editions, you see," he explained. I raised an eyebrow. 

"Why would Mikey take them?" I asked curiously. 

Gerard sighed again. "We share our comics, but these," he said as he held them up for me to see, "these, are special. They cost a fortune and are really hard to find, I had to order them off the Internet,"

"Aaah, fair enough. Can I take a look?" 

He nodded as permission and I went to sit down on his bed. Gerard stopped me and quickly pushed some clothes off his bed, then motioned for me to sit. I smirked. 

"Sorry it's messy," Gee said, blushing. 

"Aw it's okay," I said patting his knee. 

He smiled and then started to flip through one of the comics, his hazel eyes skimmed the colourful pages in interest and I grabbed one from beside me. I felt Gerard get up from the bed and walk over to the wall. That seemed strange so I looked up and he was standing beside the stereo. 

"Music?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Sure," I mumbled. 

"Any suggestions?" he asked again. 

"Nah, you pick," I said, still reading the comic. 

I looked up to see Gerard shrug and grabbed a well worn Cd off the rack and placed it in. I straight away recognized it as Iron Maiden and I grinned to myself. Gerard smiled and sat down next to me, reopening the comic. My first indication telling me that we had been there for a while was that the Cd had reached an end. Meaning that we had gone through 14 Iron Maiden songs. The second indication was that Donna informed us that dinner was ready. I carefully placed the comic beside me and I noticed Gerard did the same. We walked down the grand staircase and in to the kitchen, to find Donna serving a wonderful smelling chicken roast with golden vegetables. My mouth watered at the thought of slicing up the juicy, soft chicken and placing it in my mouth, letting all the flavours combine. I was interrupted from my day dreams by Gee nudging me in the side and waving his hand towards the table. I blushed and nodded, only just then noticing Mikey was home. I smiled slightly and he nodded in acknowledgement, he was a weird kid. Then again, I was too. Donna started to cut up the chicken in slices and place them on everyones plate, adding a few vegetables along the way. The smell of the food was unbelievable. The vegetables smelt tender and crisp whilst the chicken stole the show and clouded my senses entirely with the juicy, mouth-watering, chickeny [A/N CHICKENY?! I made up a new word lmao] scent. 

"Well, dig in!" exclaimed Donna cheerfully. I grinned and I noticed Gerard did he same. Even Mikey managed to crack a small smile. I took a bite of the food and almost fell off my chair, it was the most delicious thing I had ever tasted! I mentally made a note reminding me to come over got the Ways for dinner more often. I ate the food slowly, but what I really wanted to do was cram my face, but I was a visitor so I thought I should at least be polite. Soon enough, dinner was finished and Donna came back with a bowl of fruit salad and a rather large tub of ice cream. 

"And now for desert!" announced Donna. "I know it's not much, but I thought it would go well after the warm roast."

I nodded in agreement as she piled the fruit on my plate and put a massive glob of ice cream on top. I smiled and stuck my fork in to it. It was a very simple desert, but oh-so delicious. I cleared my plate and thanked Donna for the dinner, telling her it was delicious, and got up to put my plate and cutlery in the dishwasher. Donna's small frame bolted upright, stopping me in my tracks entirely. 

"I'll get that," she told me, reaching out and taking the plate and cutlery from my full hands.

I looked down at her and smiled. "Thanks,"

"No problem, deary," she mumbled in reply as she fast-walked to the kitchen. 

"Well, I best be heading off..." I said giving an awkward wave and moving towards the door. Mikey raised and eyebrow and Gerard got up from the table.

"I'll come with," Gerard mumbled. "Let me just get your bag, you left it upstairs."

"Um, okay..." and with that, Gerard jogged upstairs and was down beside me in 30 seconds flat. 

"Okay, lets go!" grinned Gerard. </pre>

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Feb 04, 2012 ⏰

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