Chapter 2

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<pre>I woke up to the obnoxious beeping that was my phone, used as an alarm, telling me that it was time for me to wake up for school. I groaned and shut my phone off, knocking it to the wooden floor boards. I sighed and shot out of bed. I knew if I didn't get out now, I would be late. It appeared to be quite chilly in the house, and this just made it all the more difficult to move my ass out of bed. Eventually, I did, but with great difficulty of course. I wasn't one to look forward to school, and today was no exception. I shuffled to my wardrobe and pulled out a clean pair of purple skinny jeans and and plain grey t-shirt. I didn't dress to impress, like other girls. I honestly didn't have anyone to impress, unlike other girls, who go around with their shorts up their asses. I was more of a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl. I walked to the bathroom next to my room and looked into the large, almost floor length, mirror. My hair was an absolute mess, so I took this as an opportunity to get it into shape. I quickly ran a brush through my shoulder length, red hair and then turned on my hair straightener. Knowing from experience, it was probably better to have some toast whilst the straightener was heating up, as it like to take it's time. I ran down stairs, and jumped the last three, landing like a ninja on my bare feet. I chuckled and made myself some toast, and chugged down some orange juice. I ran back up the stairs to notice that my straightener was beeping, meaning it was ready. I quickly straightened all of my hair, taking care to do my fringe properly. I grabbed my school bag and quickly stuffed my books and essentials in, and I was out the door in less than 3 minutes. On my way to school, I stopped by the local cafe for a coffee and cookie. When I arrived at school, the place looked the same as always, except for the new younger students and minus the older ones who had graduated.

I walked through the familiar gates seeing faces I recognized. But in my mind, I knew it was no good. I barely knew any of them, even though I had been at school with them for a couple of years now. I just wish my friends didn't move away. I sighed and walk into the classroom just as the bell rang, and sat down at my usual seat at the back of the room. There was an empty seat next to me, where my friend used to sit, so I just put my bag on it. I took out my classroom essentials and got to work on a drawing I had started last night.

The teacher droned on with his welcome speech, and then something unexpected happened.

A complete stranger walked through the classroom door, and came to a halt at the front of the room. The teacher paused his speech, and turned to face the new kid with a smile.

"Welcome to Belleville High..."

"Gerard," finished the new kid. He was kinda hot, with his longish raven hair and beautiful hazel eyes. He seemed very shy and he didn't look like he would fit in with the crowd. He was wearing a Misfits shirt and grey skinny jeans. He had a checkered bag slung over his shoulder and there appeared to be dozens of drawings flowing out of it.

"Nice to meet you Gerard. Students, please make Gerard welcome, you can take a seat over there next to Grace," mumbled the teacher as he gestured in my general direction.

Gerard nodded and made his way over to the seat next to me. He gave me a small smile as he sat down and got out his sketchbook. As he flipped through the pages, I realized he was really talented. Especially when it came to cartoons, and when he stopped on a page where he had started a comic, I gasped. I couldn't help it, it was amazing.

"What?" asked Gerard looking up from his drawing. I didn't think he heard.

I blushed deeply. "Nothing, it's just, that's amazing," I said as I waved my hand towards the comic.

This time it was Gerard's turn to blush. "Thanks," he said as he smiled and colour spread across his cheeks.

I smiled back and continued with my work, but I couldn't concentrated knowing Gerard was sitting next to me.


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