Chapter 5

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<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">Famous Last Words 5

"Hey Grace, these are pretty cool," complimented Gerard as he sifted through my over-flowing sketchbook. 

"Thanks," I mumbled, slightly embarrassed. "But you're way better,"

Gerard just shrugged. "I really like yours,"

I grinned widely. "Hey, um, are you thirsty?"

"Sure," replied Gerard. "Aren't your parents gonna be home soon?" he asked uncertainly. 

"Nah, my dads gone for a while to visit a mate by the sea. You can stay as long as you like as long as its okay with your parents,"

"Oh. What about your mum?" asked Gerard. 

"She, er, passed away from cancer three years ago," I said quietly. Gerard looked like he regret ever mentioning it as the words left my lips. 

"I'm so sorry," he said walking over to me and wrapping his pale arms around my upper body. It was only the that I noticed how nicely sculpted his muscles were. 

"Let's go," I said pulling away and motioning him to follow me downstairs. 

I grabbed two cans of Sprite from the fridge and I led Gerard down in to the basement. The place was really cool actually; it was where I kept all my music related things like my drum kit, etc. A couple of months ago I had plastered a shit load of band posters on the walls and it looked really cool. 

Gerard came down the stairs behind me and gasped. 

"No way," he breathed. 

I giggled. He walked over to the drum kit and stroked it. "You play?" he asked. 

"Yeah!" I said. 

"Play me something then," said Gerard sounding impressed. 

"Sure," I said and walked over to the drum kit and sat down. I started to play a beat I had made up a couple of days ago. When I finished, Gerard clapped way too loud. 

"Where's that from?" Gee asked genuinely interested. 

"I made it up a couple of days ago when I was angry," I muttered.

"It's really good, but why were you angry?" But before I could even think about what I was going to say, Gerard butted in. "Oh god, you don't have to answer that. I've asked so many personal questions I'm so sorry. Gosh, what have I done? You don't even know anything about me and here I am trying to find out abou-"

I put a finger to his lips to shut him up and he did. 

"Gerard, don't apologize. I need to let it go, I need to tell someone. It's okay really. I was angry because I had a fight with my dad. I can't even remember what it was about, I was just really pissed off at the time so I went to play. All these beats just came flowing out of my mind and I put them in to action,"

"That's way cool," he whispered. 

"You use the word 'way' a lot considering it's your last name," I said laughing. 

Gerard narrowed his eyes jokingly. "Whatever," he said trying to sound annoyed but I could still see the small smile tugging at the edge of his pale lips. 

"I feel like I've known you forever, but it's only been a day," I mentioned. 

Gerard wrapped a warm around my shoulders. "I know right, but I better be getting home soon,"

He frowned slightly and so did I. 

"Okay, do you want something to eat before you go? I can make some toast," I said. Toast was probably the best thing I could make, I couldn't cook for shit. 

"Nah, it's okay. Dinners probably waiting at home anyway," he replied. 

I felt slightly disappointed that he couldn't stay longer. 

"Alright, I'll walk with you if it's not raining," I said smirking. Truthfully, I wanted to be under that umbrella with Gerard but I didn't want to act like a creep. 

"Okay," he said grinning. We walked upstairs out of the basement and I looked out the window. 

Sure enough, it appeared to be dry outside so I shrugged and chucked my empty Sprite can in the recycling. 

"Guess you're coming with me then," said Gee smiling. 

"Yep!" I said. 

I opened the front door for Gee and we walked out, shutting and locking the door behind me. 

"It seems to have cleared up," stated Gee nodding towards the now darkening sky. 

"Yeah, but it's getting dark out," I mumbled. 

I didn't really like walking the streets of New Jersey at night. It was dangerous. 

"Cheer up, I like the dark. All the cool things come out at night time," said Gerard trying to cheer me up. 

"Like what? Rapists, paedophiles, murderers..." I muttered. 

"Hey, it's okay," said Gerard as he wrapped a comforting arm along my shoulders. "What I meant was bats, vampires, werewolves..." 

I smirked. "You really believe vampires and werewolves exist?" I said looking up in to his hazel eyes. They were warm and comforting. 

"Well no, but they sound like cool creatures," Gerard was really my type of guy. 

"I think we're going to be good friends," I said snuggling in to his side. 

"I agree," said Gee smoothing my hair. 

I smiled and soon enough we arrived at small brick house a couple of streets away from school. 

"This is it," announced Gerard. 

"It's cosy," I said smiling at the warm glow coming from the small windows. 

"Yeah, so I better get inside, I'll see you tomorrow?" said Gee. 

"Of course," I said as he squeezed my shoulders and walked towards the wooden front door. "Grace! Wait!" he called as I turned around. He ran inside and came back twenty seconds later with a black leather jacket. 

"It's cold and you're only wearing a t-shirt," he said handing it to me. "Don't want you to get sick now do we?"

I smiled gratefully pulling it on. "Thanks,"

"No problem, it's a little big but suites you well. Just bring it back tomorrow, okay?" he said. 

"Of course," I said quickly giving him a one-armed hug and dashing away. 

The chilly September wind whipped at my face and my breath stood out in the night landscape. As the breeze sucked away the warmth from inside of my body I snuggled closer in to Gerard's black leather jacket. It was very thick and warm, and smelt nice. It smelt like...him. Sort of manly, and mysterious? I sighed and walked up the pavement to the front door and fumbled with the key. After 5 minutes of struggling with my cold fingers and the dark night I managed to push the key in to the lock and open it up. 

I went into the modern kitchen and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl, I quickly washed it thoroughly and ran upstairs. In my room I turned on my heater and pulled off Gerard's jacket, placing it carefully on the back of my chair. I grabbed my pajamas and ran to the bathroom. I quickly stripped off and jumped in, letting the warm water absorb in to my chilled, pale skin. Once I was finished washing myself, I jumped out and dried myself off, quickly changing in to my Nightmare Before Christmas pajamas. They were so warm and comfortable. I walked back to my bedroom chucked my dirty clothes in the laundry on the way. I checked the time on my clock on the bedside table and frowned. It was already 10pm, it was quite late considering I had to wake up early for school. 

I sighed and lay down I bed, just thinking about things. I thought I would be completely alone forever without my friends here with me but turns out I found a new one. Gerard was perfect. </pre>

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