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**Yeah pretty much got nothing to do while my family has their post-christmas meal naps..so here ya go!**

Louis POV

I could tell Cass was uncomfortable talking to Carly. I mean, Cassidy was uncomfortable talking to strangers, never less one asking her rather personal questions. At least she’d survived the first wave of paps. She’d learn to ignore them as time went on; at least I hoped she would. They could be pretty judgmental, but it’s never the truth, and Cass needed to know that. I placed a hand on Cassidy’s back as we were guided to hair and make-up. Lou waved us over.

“Hia, ready for hair?” Lou asked, pulling out the chair for us. “It won’t take long…just Liam, what’s up with the hair?” She giggled pointing to his messed up hair.

“I was wearing a snap-back, but a fan snatched it,” He chuckled, running his hand through the mess.

“Ah, well that’s why I’m here. Take a seat Payne-o” Lou instructed. Liam did and then began to talk as Carly reviewed her notes. “You look cute today, Cassidy.” Lou complimented Cass as she ruffled Liam’s hair. Her cheeks blushed pink as she thanked her.

“Why’re you so modest?” I ask, bumping her lightly on the shoulder.

She flushes more. “Stop, you’re making me more embarrassed.” She complains.

“Wouldn’t want to do that now, would we.” I snicker as she narrows her eyes at me. “Well they’re going to be plenty of times you humiliate yourself in the spotlight love, but don’t let them know you’re embarrassed.” I offer a piece of advice.

“uh-huh.” Carly calls us over to take our seats on the couch.

“Don’t mess this up,” I tease her and she swats at me. “You should be worrying more about yourself.” They line us up on the couch; Liam, Me, Cass, Zayn, Niall, Harry. Usually we’d only have to fit five lads on the couch, so it was a tight fit with Cass. She ended up sitting more on Zayn’s lap than on the couch. Carly went through the introduction and then she started shooting the questions at us.

“Ok, there have been a lot of rumors about this mysterious Cassidy, we’ve all been dying to know, who is she?” Carly asked with force enthusiasm.

“Well this is Cassidy,” Zayn gestured to Cass, “And we adopted her.” He said simply.

“Really? Wow, this is industry-changing news! What made you even think you could handle a young girl while dealing with the fame at such a young age in your careers?” She spat out. I felt Cassidy tense from next to me as I threw Zayn a nervous glance.

“We don’t deal with her. She’s part of our family; in fact if anything she did us a favor. Cass reminded us to stay humble, and to be thankful for our careers. Now, she’s just become a member of the One Direction family.” Harry defended her.

“I mean, c’mon guys. It has to be a little tiring. She’s twelve, she needs attention. She’s a child. How do you adopt a child when you’re basically still a child yourself?” Carly pushed. I heard Cass suck in a breath. Zayn scooted her closer to him protectively.

“We’ve grown a lot through adopting Cass. I wouldn’t change a thing.” He stated, but I could he was becoming pissed, as was I.

“So, Cassidy, since you’re adopted, you must have a troubled past. What was your previous life like?” Carly smiled sickly-sweet. Cass sat frozen.

“You don’t have to answer that.” I said quickly, and then turned to Carly. “I don’t think she really wants to go into that at the moment.

“So you adopt a troubled child, and then expect the One Direction fandom to not question you. How are you going to-“ I was at my wits end with her.

“First of all, Cass isn’t just another ‘troubled child.’ Don’t label her. Second, we do expect people  to question us long as they are mindful and relevant. We would’ve gladly answered your questions if they weren’t as ridiculous as they are.” I retorted, and stood up.  The lad’s did the same, Zayn holding terrified Cassidy’s hand. I could see the tears form in her big eyes. “Thank you for your time.” I mumbled stiffly, stalking off the stage with the boys. Cass was practically in tears as we entered the dressing room. Liam kneeled down next to here.

“Hey, don’t listen to her. We love you, you know that, right? Just, the press can be tough sometimes.” He reassured her. She nodded unconvincingly. Harry was leaning against a couch, obviously angry.

“Hey I’m gonna go ring Perrie and see if she wants to go shopping with Cass while we go record.” Zayn announced.

“Good idea,” Niall answered.

“I don’t need a baby-sitter…” Cass crossed her arms, pouting.

“Even Perrie?” Zayn questioned.

“Well…Fine, I like Perrie.” She gave in.

“Me too,” Zayn joked, holding the phone up to his ear.

“I don’t wanna bother you guys either so-“ Cass began.

“You NEVER bother us, ever. Got it?” Niall asked firmly.

“Well like she said, I am a child-“ Cassidy tried again.

“Stop. I don’t want to hear it. Go shopping, enjoy yourself. Know that we love you more than you know.” Niall interrupted. She sighed. “Good.” Niall nodded.

“Ok so Perrie says she’ll pick her up at the studio in ten.” Zayn declared, slipping his cell back into his pocket.

“Brilliant.” Liam replied, digging his wallet out from his pocket. “Here’s some money for shopping.” Cass opened her mouth to object, but Liam shushed her. “Just take it.” He groans, practically shoving the money at her, making me chuckle.

“Perrie just text me saying she’s waiting out back.” Zayn said, motioning for Cass to follow him out the back way.

“Have fun!”

“Be safe!”

“Shop til ya drop!”

“Love you!”

We all called after her as she waved back to us before disappearing behind the back door. Now time to talk to this Carly girl.

**I know…bad…ugh…Anyways…MERRY CHIRSTMAS…yeah I’ve said that like ten times the last three chappys…xoxo thanks for reading! Comment/vote**

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