53. A Large Ripple for a Small Ocean

Start from the beginning

I looked around for my team, my heart beating extremely fast at the thought of the very first swim meet taking place today.

All of a sudden I could hear distant murmurs coming from the locker room, making me sigh as I walked faster.

"We need to kill them all!" Coach Alex's eyes met with mine. "Oh hey Arielle!" He gestured for me to sit as everyone looked at me.

I still can't help but feel bad about his daughter's death. For some reason, so many people have died this year and Kaitlyn ended up being one of them.

I can still remember her funeral. It wasn't at all black and depressing and normal. Instead, it was actually a rave party, filled with pink balloons, pink club lights, expensive alcohol, and free fur coats for everyone.

Her casket was bejeweled by diamonds and she still looked gorgeous. It was a very Kaitlyn way of celebrating her death, and I'm proud of her for spending the rest of her days becoming a good person.

Coach Alex's voice got louder. "I don't know how to give a pep talk like Coach Alice, but I'm pretty sure it's filled with a bunch of cussing, slurs, and probably even nasty jokes, but that's not me." He looked at every single one of our faces. "What I will do though, is be serious! We must win the first swim meet!" He announced.

Coach Alex raised his hands up in the air as he continued. "What do you guys say?" He exclaimed, immediately making all the boys around me roar in excitement. "Are we gonna win this thing or not!"

"Aye turn up!"
"What are we cheering for again?"
"Something about winning."
"R.I.P Twig!"

I remained quiet as I laughed at their loudness, Coach Alex proceeding to tell everyone to get ready before we walk to the actual gymnasium where the swim meets take place.

"I'm so excited!" Trevor hugged me tightly as I returned it, making me smile.

"Me too!" I looked at him in the eyes as I cheered, Steven appearing out of nowhere.

"Can I join in?" He smirked, his blue eyes looking at us intently, but then turning towards Trevor. "Hey." His deep voice greeted as Trevor's cheeks immediately flushed red.

Steven's hand gently cupped against Trevor's reddened cheek as they quickly kissed, my heart doing a celebration dance.

And yes, they're finally dating.

Trevor brushed against me as he smiled. "Do you think we're gonna win?" He questioned.

"Hopefully! The stakes are even higher now because there's only 3 teams, meaning only 3 lanes. So yea it's kinda scary." I spoke, audibly sounding anxious at the thought of the 2 people I'm gonna go up against.

"We can do it, im sure. I'm gonna go get ready." Trevor kept his hopes bright as he excused himself to go to his locker, Steven proceeding to follow him.

My eyes landed onto Max, his face having a smile of contentment as I walked towards him. "How's your relationship going?" I questioned.

Max's head quickly turned towards me as he took his shirt off to change. "I'm gonna be honest." My eyes widening at his sudden excitement. "I think I'm in love!"

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