51. Waves of Nostalgia

Start from the beginning

I couldn't help but be nosy as I tried to peek inside the door from afar of course, to see whom was living there.

All of a sudden the door widened. "What the hell are you looking at?" The deep voice spoke, making my mouth widen at the tall shirtless boy standing in front of me all of a sudden.

But another voice immediately spoke. "Dydan stop being such an ass! Who's at the," A short girl around my height peeked at me with a friendly smile. "Door." She finished.

The boy who was Dydan rolled his eyes at me as he walked away, the girl appearing towards me. "Hey! Are you the new neighbor?" She asked politely.

"Yea, actually." I nodded my head at her as I smiled. "Sorry, I wasn't stalking or anything, I just don't see anyone else around here and I was curious once I saw your door opened."

She replied, my eyes glancing at her cute animal beanie that had small ears. "It's fine! Same with me too! My name's Ruby, Ruby Ōkami." She smiled as she fixed her glasses.

She wore a black sweatshirt that said 'if you can read this, back the fuck away' that quickly took my attention. "My names Arielle Tesfaye." I quietly laughed at her sweatshirt.

"Well it was nice meeting you! And don't mind the sweatshirt, I got it for Christmas." Just before I could've prepared to say good bye, her actions that seemed fast and anxious had already beat me to it. "Bye!" She exclaimed, rapidly shutting the door.

Interesting neighbors..

I quickly entered my apartment, my eyes landing on Azazel's shirtless body that I still haven't gotten used to seeing all the time. His head was leaned back as he had on his usual pair of headphones.

He was probably taking a nap since his eyes were closed.

I noticed the remote was on top of his lower stomach and it would be awkward if I just randomly grabbed it and he would feel it. So yea no thanks.

I awkwardly woke him up, his wide blue eyes slowly looking up at me. He took off his headphones, making it fall around his neck.

"I'm just gonna grab the remote." My voice was awkward as my hand rapidly reached in, glancing at his black sweatpants.

"Oh yea here." Azazel's hand snatched the remote like lightning to hand it to me, my eyes immediately widening as my hand was too late to react.

My heart dropped as his eyes widened back at me, his irises dilating at what just happened.

My hand totally just landed on Azazel's manhood.

Azazel sharply breathed as I felt, everything..

And I mean everything..

I quickly threw myself back as I wanted to crawl to a corner and die. "U-uh I'm so sorry." I watched his cheeks redden as he looked at me.

"It's okay." He assured as he handed me the remote, his pale face becoming red as his blue eyes still dilated into mine.

"T-thanks." I couldn't help but glance at his shirtless body as I grabbed the remote from him. The feeling of Azazel being imprinted on my hand felt disturbing in every way possible.

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