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I've been on these streets for awhile, well ever since I fell from the 21 century to the 19th century. Could you believe that almost forgot what it feels like to actually have a home and a warm meal? like I said before, I've been on the streets for a long while, but I make up for it. I help other kids that are like me. Teach them the things I already know from school, like, math, reading, writing, language arts and I guess a little bit of science. In return, they teach me about things of how to survive out here. I may know some way, but there the experts. And for the little ones, I'm in charge to take care of them while there siblings and parents are out getting money or food. you could say I'm the baby sitter, or the care taker.

On the down times, I love to tell the kids a lot of story's about the future, though to them, they think it's just a mere fairy tail or some baloney that I cooked up after a bad fever dream. after all, who can even think of having a small metal box that can access everything? its just fiction am I right?

We also sing lots of songs together and play a lot of games as one may do when they are young. It's actually really nice to see the kids interact with the more privileged kids. The kids don't know a difference, they just see that the whole world is there friend, As they should at this time of their life.

There's is times where a parent will let there kids actually play with my little ones, if er lucky, sometimes they'll buy something for us or when a person would actually buy multiple things for us. What ever it is, we're all ways happy to get it. Hell, there's sometimes were I almost cry from there generosity. There are some bad people out there and there are some nice. But sadly the nice only come once In a million days.

In Anyway, with this whole ramble of a speech, there is still one more thing I would like to tell you. Keep this between you and me alright? At night when everyone is asleep, I'm on the roof tops, stealing things from house to house. I'm a pretty good crooked you catch my drift.  I've managed to get the  name, "Demon Of The Night, the crook who's so quiet and stealthy it's quieter then a mouse!' Or another one I've heard is like, 'so quiet you could drop a pin while there stealing and still hear the pin!' Not very good, but I give them credit.

Many people have tried to catch a glimpse of me, but all have failed. If I heard right, the word on the street is the queen gots her dog on me. I honestly laughed when I heard it, they don't know what I look like, let alone that I'm a woman.


Hey there, Dirk here! Now you may be wondering what this story is doing here? Ive said it in my bio that i was mainly going to focus on my other two stories before putting out a new book.

Here's the thing, im doing the November challenge of typing 30,000 words this month. So in tune of that, i plan on doing an installment every few days to hopefully beat that goal. I hope you guys liked his story.

Also i know im not going to finish this in the month of November, so once the month ends, this shall be put on hold till i finish the other two stories or i found inspiration for this. So yeah. I hope you enjoy the first three chapters! (It took forever to find a picture for this book)

This was dirk, signing out.

Words: 519

Edit 11/10/18: words: 644

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