Sarah scoffed and began to sit up. Pain rushed to her head and leg as she let a small cry. Vivian rushed to grabbed her underarms and helped her sit up. Sarah's was breathing hard and waited until the dizziness disappeared.

"Thanks, but I quite like the hospital food" Sarah said as she picked the potato and took a small bite, though she couldn't deny that the warm food in her hand was better than what was served in hospitals. "Sunny and I have been in hospitals so many times, we grew accustomed to it. Beside, we always loved being admitted here. Even though it was painful, we knew we were safe for a while with free food and hot water"

Sarah couldn't help but laugh at Vivian's shocked expression. Vivian should know by now how easy it was for Sarah to speak about abuse and pain.

"Well, next time I won't waste money on you then" Vivian said with fake bitterness.

"Careful Vivian, you are starting to care" Sarah whispered with a tiny smirk at the tip of her lip.

"I'm not that selfless, Green. I brought you food because I didn't want you to snap at me. The last thing I need is an already unstable girl who just lived through something traumatic and is on pain medication to yell at me"

Sarah laughed, tears pouring down her cheeks. She reached out and grabbed Vivian's hand.

"Thank you" Sarah said and squeezed her hand.

"For what?"

"Being you" Sarah smiled sadly. "Everyone's been walking on glass around me. I hate that. It's not as if I need a reminder of what happened to me"

Vivian didn't know what to say. She simply squeezed back before letting her finish her food.

"What time is it anyway?" Sarah asked.

"Six thirty" Vivian shrugged. Sarah coughed on her food.

"Seriously woman?" Sarah snapped. "Who in their right mind would visit at this hour?"

"If I recall, you were the one who told me you always woke up around six"

"Yes, well I'm drugged, aren't I?"

"That's true but you do not seem to mind" Vivian said with a smirk while Sarah continued to grumble. "Come live with me"

Sarah spat the remaining bit of food she had in her mouth.

"That seems a little early, don't you think?" Sarah asked in disbelief. Vivian simply rolled her eyes.

"For the remaining of March Break, moron. You can work around the farm when you will be tired of sitting around. There's a lot to do and Leanne seems to think it's a good idea"

"I really wish you would stop asking Leanne first before asking me. Beside what would I be able to do with a bunch of animals?"

"Animals are known for their therapeutic capacities"

Sarah snorted "If your horses or dogs or whatever are better shrinks than the one I'm forced to meet every week, then there's something wrong in this world"

"Do not insult my horses" Vivian said darkly before taking a deep breath. No one insults her animals. They were her pride and passion. "Think about it. It will make you feel better than being stuck in a house with people who walk on glass around you"

"It's not cool to use my words against me"

"Too bad. I promise I will not take pity on you"

"That makes me feel so special" Sarah said with sarcasm which made Vivian roll her eyes again.

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