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Bella's bruises were still healing. She hadn't been in school for a week-hoping the purple spots on her skin would fade but they hadn't. She had to go today or else she'd fail the test.

She stands up,a frown on her face as she puts on a red dress. She laces up her wedges and puts her hair down,a scarf around her neck. Quickly,she applies makeup all over her face. She didn't want others to see what happened to her face. In fact,she just wanted to envelope herself in Zayn's arms and never leave.

"Bells,can you stop by my office today? I have so many things to do and it'd be better if you were there."

"I'll be there around 2," she informs. He hugs her from behind,a pout on his lips once he saw all the makeup on her face.

"You're beautiful,Bells..you don't need makeup,but you like it so I like it too." He says sweetly,heat rising towards Bella's face. She had goosebumps all over her skin and her breath hitched in her throat as Zayn softly kissed her.


"Bye Bella."

"Bye Mr. Fitz." Bella says,flashing him her stunning smile. Boys around her are left speechless-staring at the girl who remained untouched. Everyone loved Bella-she was very popular. Yet,no one could have her nor did they know too much about her. To all,she was merely a beautiful mystery.

Bella walks off of campus and towards the lawfirm-excited to see her boyfriend. However,to her dismay,instead of seeing the busy cars surrounding the building-she saw fire trucks and smoke. Bella drops everything in her hands,including her phone and it shatters into thousands of pieces.

She runs towards a firefighter. "My boyfriend Zayn Malik, he works there. Where is he!?" She panics,the air suddenly becoming thin.

"Ma'am,I need you to calm down-"

"Where is he?"

"He's still in there but we're doi-" before he could finish his sentence,Bella ran. She ran up the stairs and into the building that was on fire. The firefighter ran after her but it was of no use-she was already inside.

Bella covers her mouth with her scarf,running towards Zayn's office. The air was dark and the fire was near but Bella didn't care. All she cared about was Zayn. She went through every door,every window,looking for him but he seemed to be no where. She ran to the last room-towards her last hope.

The fire was spreading throughout the building,quickly escalating up to the seventh floor.

"Zayn!" She calls out,trying to locate him. "Zayn!" She shrieks,trying to open the locked door. She slams her body against the door in attempt to open it but she was too thin. The door didn't even move. Taking off her wedges,she hits the glass on the door. The glass shatters and Bella quickly puts her hand trough,opening the door from inside.

"Zayn!" She exclaims once the door opens. She runs into the room where Zayn was. He was coughing and had ashes on his forehead. Bella opens two windows-looking out the seven story window,knowing if they jump out,they'll die.

"You're-you're here," Zayn says,a small smile on his face. His eyes were closing and it seemed as if he were hallucinating. He wished this was a hallucination-that Bella wasn't there. That Bella was home,reading a book in one of his tshirts-that she was safe.

"Bells,why are you here!?"

"I'm so sorry this is happening..you don't deserve thi-"

"But I deserve it! I-Bella you're going to die. Why would you do this?" He tries to raise his voice but fails. The smoke was now thickly coating the air in the room,intoxicating both Zayn and Bella.

Zayn begins to cough before Bella can answer. She tries to pick him up but it was hard because he was too big and the smoke made her dizzy. She fell while trying to pick him and she fell on him. Zayn began laughing and so did Bella. He looks into her eyes,his hoarse laugh ceasing as he gazes into her pretty blue eyes.

"Why-why would you do this? You knew there was a f-fire-"

"I'd rather die than live a miserable life without you,Zayn." She says,tears streaming down her face.

Zayn uses his thumb to wipe away we tears. He knew death was among both of them. Bella's breathing was uneven and shaky. Her color had deceased and she was more pale than ever. Tears were staining her cheeks and she was tired. Yet,she was still beautiful.

The fire was now in the room. Bella and Zayn both accepted their fate.  

She laid her head on his chest,listening to his steady heartbeat,hot tears leaving her eyes. "Bella?"


"I love you."

The end.

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