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That's precisely how I envision Bella. Giggly, blonde, and beautiful.

"Stop itttt." She giggles,trying her best not to disturb the other passengers which was difficult because Zayn was kissing her,the stubble on his jawline making her laugh. Her eyes were twinkling bright,her small hand over her mouth in attempt to conceal her loud giggles.

"No. You're mine,babygirl."

"Zayn,we've already established I'm yours.." She says softly,looking into Zayn's eyes. Although Zayn was confident,when it came to Bella he wasn't. He knew he was an asshole and that if the roles were reversed,he would've left years ago. He knows someone else-anyone else deserves her more than he does. He knows if he left,she'd be happier.

"Boys were looking at you." He says jealously,hands griping on Bella's waist. She was sitting on him,head against his chest as they ascended into the sky. They were on their way to Maine-back to Bella's home. She was ecstatic to see her family but she knew her family wasn't ecstatic to see Zayn.

"They have eyes for a reason,Zayn."

"Well,if they know what's good for them they are going to stop." He says as Bella stares up at him. She was so beautiful and Zayn felt so lucky to have her. He kisses her plump lips,feeling joy spread throughout his body. He felt..love towards her. He adored everything about her and her physical exterior only added onto that. She was gorgeous in Zayn's eyes and it absolutely killed him when he hurt her.

"You're so beautiful,Bells. I..I have something for you."

"What?' She asks curiously,a smile growing on her face. The smile soon fades as she sees a shiny ring,her heart beating erratically.

"I know I'm an asshole but you mean the world to me and I want you to have something to give you..hope. Hope for us-hope for the future. I love-fuck I practiced..I love-I love-"

"I understand it's hard for you to say..don't worry about it,Zayn. I-I love you too."

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