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"What are you doing,Bells?"

"Studying." She replies,playing with the hem of Zayn's big t-shirt. It was black and had NIRVANA written across it and black socks that reached to her thighs. Her dirty blonde hair was in a bun,strands sticking out everywhere. She had her glasses on,something she only wore when reading. Zayn sits down next to her,enveloping her small shoulders in a hug,kissing on the skin below her ear.

"Guess who won the case." He whispers,giddiness taking over him.

"Congrats,Z..I knew you could do it."

"So how did you do on your test?"

"I got an 97."

"How did Harry do?"

"Trick question..I don't talk to him anymore. Remember?" She replies smartly,making Zayn smile. She looked at him through the corner of her eyes,long giggles erupting out of her. She loved to see Zayn smile and cherished every moment because she knew that in a second everything could change.

"Zayn I love you."

"Stop saying that."


"Yes. Why do you insist on that?"

"Because Zayn,I love you and you don't love me back."

"Bells,you know how hard commitment was..and moving in but now you want me to say something I don't mean?"

"You don't love me?" She asks,hurt laced in her words. Her heart felt as if it had been crushed,the weight on her shoulders increasing relentlessly. Hopelessly,she begins to hyperventilate-the simple act of breathing becoming difficult.

"No I don't. We're too young-"

"You're twenty six!"

"And you're twenty one. You're such an fucking idiot,Bella. You're young and beautiful and popular but you're taken and that's how it's always going to be. Youll always be chained down. You'll never to go frat parties,you missed your prom night for me. You've never been to a bar-"

"I don't need any of that because you're all that matters to me."

"That's the tragedy. You care too much and I care too little."

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