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"Fuck fuck fuck. Please wake up bells!"

"I-my head hurts." She complies with Zayn's request,opening her eyes.

"Thank god." He mumbles,hugging the clueless Bella.

"What-what happened? Where am I?" She asks,looking around the little white room.

"You're at the hospital. I punched Harry but you were behind him and you-you didn't wake up-"

"I told you it wasn't my fault but you didn't believe me."

"The cameras caught Harry's attempt and he's been arrested for sexual harassment."

"What? No! Harry wont survive in there. I-i didn't want this to happen-"

"He did something wrong and now he's paying for it. It's only a year. He'll be alright. He was the one who turned himself in-"

"Let me see your phone."


"Give me your phone!" She shrieks . Zayn gives her his iPhone 6 and immediately,she presses the camera app. A bruise was formed near her eye,the color being very contrasted as opposed to her olive colored skin. Her eyes has bags under them and she looked really tired. Ugly,she thought.

"Bella I'm so sorry this happened..I didn't mean for any of th-"

"When can we go home? I'm really tired."


"Welcome home,Bells.." Zayn says,opening the door of their apartment. Bella grins while kneeling down,petting the dog who was licking her.

"Snow really missed her mom."

"I'm a mom now?" Bella retorts,using Zayn's words against him.

"You love teasing me!" He said in a girly voice. Bella stood up and almost immediately,Zayn pulls her into his arms. He snakes his arms around her waist,a smile on his face as he looked down into her eyes.

"I don't sound like that!" Bella argues,hitting his chest lightly.

"You're right and I'm wrong. About two things.. It wasn't just snow.
We-We both really missed you.."  He corrects.

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