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"Don't touch me." Bella pleads,trying to put space between her and Zayn. They were attempting to fall asleep but it was too hard for both of them-they were both replaying the recent events over and over again in their heads. Zayn's tattooed arm was wrapped around Bella's tiny waist,pulling her body close to him. Bella tried to stop the goosebumps arising on her skin,to level her breathing and stop reacting to Zayn's touch but it was simply to hard.

It didn't matter how hard Zayn hurt her,physically or mentally,she would always be his toy. His toy to use to and return once he's done playing with her. Bella's quiet sobs were the only thing being heard in the silent night.

"You're a lot prettier when you shut up," Zayn snaps,the alcohol still in his system. Bella quietly complies with his demand,resting her head on his shoulder.

"You're hurting me," she says as Zayn hugs her tightly. Her words were shaky and her voice was smaller than usual,not even a fraction of a smile present on her face. She has mascara on her cheeks,her eyes tired and red from crying. However, if this heartache meant she and Zayn would understand each other in the future,if this would fix his mistakes,she'd do it again and again.

Zayn slightly lets go,letting his head sink into her soft hair. He closes his eyes,holding Bella tighter than ever before,eventually falling asleep to Bella's steady heart beat.

"You're killing me but I love the way it hurts." She whispers,kissing Zayn's forehead,a tear falling down from her face and onto Zayn.

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