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"Bella,hurry up,we're going to be late."

"I think I-I'm sick..go without me.?" She coughs over dramatically,clearly lying. She was locked in the bathroom,and didn't want to come out. She had spent hours on her makeup but she didn't believe it was enough. She was never enough in her own eyes. While taking off the makeup,she scratched the skin near her eye,leaving red  scratch marks.

"Bella open the door."

"I don't want to."

"Now," he demands,his demeanor going from understanding to mad in a split second. Reluctantly,she unlocks the door,slumping down to the floor beneath her,back against the wall.

"You don't look sick," Zayn observes.

"I'm sorry for lying but I really don't want to go,Zayn."

"Why not?"

"I hate parties and I-my makeup looks ugly and-"

"With or without makeup,you are breathtaking,Bella. Don't listen to the voices," Zayn whispers,knowing exactly what was happening. Once Bella turned thirteen,she started caring about her appearance too much. To the point where instead of going to a normal high school,she had to be homeschooled. She was diagnosed with an extreme case of Dismorphophobia or BDD. She hated her appearance and all she want to be was pretty. In her therapists office was where she met Zayn. She was seventeen and he was twenty two but she was very persistent.

"They're telling me I'm ugly and I believe them."

"Don't,they are lying. You are the most beautiful person alive."

"I really don't want to go. Please don't make me go," her eyes were teary and she was sobbing. Zayn nods,kissing her forehead and placing her small body onto his. He holds her tightly,singing her favorite song Stay by Rihanna while rocking her to sleep. He picks her up effortlessly,walking towards their bedroom. She tugs onto his shirt tighter and as she closed her eyes she swears she heard him say something. That 'something' that everyone wants to hear.

"I Love You."

|Pathetic Z.M.|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin