Chapter 17

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Your P.O.V

I wake up on the bed of the room. I yawn and stretch, feeling exhausted. Scenes from last night play in my head, causing me to flush a light pink. I still can't believe he went through all that effort for me. I walk to my clothes, feeling the need to change. I slip on sweatpants and a tank top, not feeling like putting in too much effort. Hearing the door open, I turn to see Jackson walk into the room. I bite my lip, trying to find the courage to thank him. I was nervous for no known reason. I hated it. I don't need to get side tracked. I can't get side tracked. I need to keep my goal in mind. I need to go back home to my family.

"What are the plans for today?" I ask.

"We are leaving to go and retrieve someone for The Operator. I'll explain everything on the way... Don't worry.. You won't have to do anything other than drug them. No harm. No killing. We need him for information."

I nod, realizing I would have to put effort into today when I really didn't feel like it. I sigh and look around for the costume i was given. It took a bit of time to find it in the mess but I did. The blood from the poor man I had killed still stained the fabric. I bite my lip, replaying memories. It honestly hurt. I killed someone. I hold back tears and put the costume on. I turn to see Jackson with his human look. I still preferred him with his actual face. I liked him to be himself. I hated that he felt the need to hide his face, that he felt like a monster. He was honestly a great man. Someone to admire. He hated killing people. He wanted to be normal. His humanity was stripped from him. It pains me that he had no choice. No choice but the be the creature he is. He is supposed to be some demonic entity. They tried to make him into a demonic entity. He didn't deserve it. I, on the other hand, had no problem hurting an innocent man. I even laughed as I smashed his skull open. I'm the only monster here.

I walk to him, sighing. I was honestly not ready for this. For any of this.

"Don't worry. You are fine. You won't do anything bad. It's okay," Jackson says.

"How do you know? The last time we were supposed to bring him back to The Operator. Who says we can do it this time?"

"I believe in you."

Jackson plants a kiss on my cheek before putting on his mask and walking toward the door, leaving me a bit flustered and confused. I grab my mask and slide it onto my face. Jackson opens the door, leading me outside. We walk to his truck, it was about 10am. I didn't know where we were going but it was okay. It took about four hours to get out of the woods. We would be to a city before nightfall. Then we could stalk the man and then finally take him. Jackson briefly goes over the plan before starting up the car.

I was confused on everything and very flustered. I knew not of what to do, due to my head filling with questions and worries. I barely took note of the plan. Jackson drives off, with me laying my head against the window of the car. I sigh, driving to sleep.

Waking up, I notice we are parked by an apartment building. "I'm going over the plan once more, so we know what we are doing. Okay so the person we are supposed to capture some hone at nine. You are to grab him and force him into the back seat, with your mask on so you don't get caught. And don't worry, we change the license plate every time we leave, so they will not be able to track the car. Make sure to put your hair into a hair net, so that they can't find any physical evidence of you. Got it?"

"Yes. What time is it now?" I ask, not feeling up to looking at the dashboard.

"It's 6:37. We have a few more hours. You can go to sleep, if you want.

I nod, doing as he says. I close my eyes, drifting off into an uncomfortable sleep. I never knew before that you could have an out of body dream, but now I know.

I open my eyes, waking up in the back seat of the truck. Looking around, I notice that I see myself sleeping and Jackson resting his head on the steering wheel. I shudder, feeling a horrible presence to my left. Turning, I see the little girl whom I've been seeing ever since I didn't sleep for five day. Thinking back, I am mist definitely insane, since three days of no sleep causes an insanity that no human can come back from. But why am I acting normally? Why am I not acting like the brain dead human I'm supposed to be?

"That's because you've always been crazy," the girl giggles, reading my thoughts.

I feel a shiver run down my spine as the bloodlust that radiates from the little girl affects me.

"Who are you?" I ask, frightened.

The little girl laughs menacingly. She leans close to me. "I'm you," she whispers into my ear, before pulling back and letting out the worst laugh I have ever heard.

I jolt awake, startling Jackson. I breathe heavily, placing both hands on the sides if my head. I look over at Jackson, tears starting to overflow from my eyes.

"Hey. Shhh. Everything is okay. Everything will be alright," Jackson says, pulling my head into his chest, petting my hair. I can't help but feel comforted by his touch.

"Hey. It's nine. We have to keep a lookout for our man."

I nod, putting on a hat which kept all my hair in it, as well as place the mask on my face. I watch around the car for movement before I spot the man we were looking for. Quickly and quietly, I place my hand over his mouth and drag him into the car, before Jackson drives off back to the hospital, locking the doors.

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