Chapter 15

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Your P.O.V

I wake up in a comfortable warmth once more. I open my eyes to see Jackson still holding to me. I don't see why he feels the need to do this. My body is disgusting and I'm ugly. Not to mention, I have a horrible personality. He didn't need to comfort me. I have to get over it. I have to be strong if I ever want to see my fiancé, Michael, ever again.

But then again, why am I concerned on how he sees me? I doesn't matter since our relationship is strictly friends only. I don't see him in a romantic light, not that I want to. Thinking like this makes me go back to adolescence, to the times where all you were concerned about was how you're see. I feel so immature like this. You would think that after I reached the age of 23, I wouldn't be flustered over minuscule things such as this.

I slowly move, this time able to release myself from Jackson's grasp. I swing my feet over the edge of the bed, regretting getting up. It took a lot of effort to simply take a step onto the floor. I was exhausted for some unknown reason. Probably from sleeping too much. I walk to my bag, wanting to get dressed. I slip on a simple red shirt and gray sweat pants. I open the fridge, to look for food, I was hungry. I take an apple, since it was the only food you didn't have to cook, and much down on the sweet fruit.

I finish, throwing the core away. There was nothing to do in this room that I am currently stuck in. I sit down at the table, observing the room. Memories flash of what I had done the night previous. A stray tear looses its way from my eye. I don't want to be a killer. I can't be. I'm just a normal human female who was kidnapped and is doing what she can to get home to her beloved.

Many thoughts go through my head, distracting me from the movement of the other being inside the room. Jackson looks over to me, seeing as I was dazing. I realize and look back to him. He didn't have his mask on, nor the special effects. He was just simply him. His face looked sullen, even without his eyeballs to show the pain he was hiding. And what for? Why was he hurting?

What is causing him pain? I bite my lip and look at the ground, as he gets up. He throws on a black hoodie and a pair of blue, tight fitted, jeans.

"(Y/n), I want to take you somewhere," he states.

I look up in confusion for why he would want to take me anywhere. And why. I just nod, standing up. I watch him mutter something indistinguishable underneath his breath, causing his appearance to change slightly. It was back to his human form.

I want necessarily bothered by his monstrous form, but the human one gave me something to look at. I never wanted to be rude when he was the way he usually was, since he has no eyes. The man grabs my wrist and pulls me along the dark corridors of our residence. I haven't a clue what time it is, for I am more disillusioned with time.

I hear other voices, coming from father down the hall. I didn't know other people were here. I think back to one of the first things Jackson said. It was like he was hinting to others being here, which made more sense now that I am hearing other people. We get closer and my eyes catch the sight of two males talking to The Operator. One was taller with an orange jacket, the other short with a yellow sweatshirt. Their backs were facing me, so I couldn't make out their facial features. Not that I wanted to.

Jackson pulls me down yet another hall and keeps walking forward. We make it outside, to be met with darkness. I sigh, for I suspected as so. We walked for a while, going into the woods. I hear what sounds like rushing water. We were close to a creek or river.

"Close your eyes," Jackson says, breaking the silence.

I do so, still a bit confused. We walk forwards, towards the noise of water. He brings me to a stop, the level of the noise at its highest. I feel a soft breeze hitting my skin, indicating that we were in open area.

"You can open them."

I open my eyes to see a beautiful waterfall, the moonlight hitting it just right, making the scene look serene. I feel a small smile creep onto my face. Sometimes, you just have to appreciate the small things, such as this.

Warped Reality (Eyeless Jack x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon