Chapter 13

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Your P.O.V

I wake up and it is several hours later. I look at the clock on the dashboard. 12:30. I look up. We were on a pavement road, but still surrounded by trees. We are probably close to a small town or something similar. The sun really hurt my eyes but it was okay. I marvel at how beautiful it was. I had found an appreciation for the many things I had been taking advantage of. It made me feel upset that I actually didn't care about things such as this before.

Civilization is amazing. You learn that after being outside of it for a long time. I look back at Jackson. He was focused on the roads. I looked back out to the town. We had passed through it. I wondered why we didn't just kill someone that was there.

"Why didn't we just kill someone in this town and be on our way?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Too small of a town. It would've been too noticeable. Bigger cites are better since they have a less likely chance of finding you. And the entire town doesn't know so it's not like it would freak out the general public. That's why murderers stay in big cities. They can't find them. Even if they do, it takes a very long time."

I slump back and sigh. He was right. A murderer in a small town would be breaking news. It would be everywhere. I shudder. Why am I thinking so casually about murder? I should be freaking out and upset that I have to kill another living, breathing human being.

I look down at the ground, ashamed of myself. I shouldn't be thinking like this. I can't think like this if I am going to go back to my fiancé. I look down at my bicep. It had a nice muscle going. I looked stronger than most men. I shudder. This is me now. A strong woman. A killer. A psychopath. Someone who wouldn't think twice about smashing in another human's skull to see the person they love. Generally not someone you would want to be. I look over to Jack who was focusing on the road. I bite my lip. I wonder if he ever had these conflicting thoughts. He did get really upset when given the prospect of killing me. He probably did steal my insides but that doesn't matter. He saved me and helped me get out of the hell I was in.

I look back out the window. I saw a woman. She was curvy but not overly muscled. She had the perfect face and a nice smile on her face. I frown and look at myself in the mirror. I look like a disheveled body builder. Not very attractive and I haven't had a genuine smile in a while. I wish I could be what I was before. I wish I was back to my twig self. It is better than who I am now. I am a monster. I could kill anyone if I wanted to. I don't make a difference to the world, with me being gone and all.

"How long till we get to where we need to be?" I ask

"An hour or so. It is really deserted here," Jackson says.

I lay my head back on the window. I hated being in cars for too long. This was definitely too long. It had been a long time since I first entered the car. I close my eyes, feeling warn.

Your P.O.V

I wake up to Jackson shaking me lightly. I slowly open my eyes. I still couldn't get used to how he looked. It wasn't the usual grey skin and no eyes I always saw and was used to. A small smiles formed in the corner of his lips. I yawn and get out.

"We are here. Just take off the mask and throw on this sweatshirt," Jackson says, setting a black and gold sweatshirt on my lap. I remembered that I had the mask on my head. I take it off and throw on the sweatshirt. I feel thankful since I was hit with a breeze and was slightly cold. I still don't know which state I am in.

Jackson and I walk around the town. We check out a bunch of stores. Jackson let me get one thing. It was a nice blue dress with a corset on the dress at the waist. It had a beautiful line design of roses and other assorted flowers. The skirt poofed out and it looked very cute. I smile for the rest of the time. It wasn't genuine but it was more of a thank you smile.

It started to become dark and Jackson led me back to his truck. He tells me to take off the jacket and put the cat mask on.

I do so, also putting my gloves back on. Jackson hands me my bat and I eye it suspiciously.

"Won't it be obvious? I don't think that we should walk around like this," I say.

"Don't worry. We are parked by the apartment that our victim lives at. We have to take him back to The Operator. We can bring him dead or alive. The Operator is the one who gives us the rules on who we take. It may not make much sense... But.. I don't think you should kill the man," Jackson says. I smile, not being forced to kill was a major plus for me.

Jackson's P.O.V

I don't want to turn (y/n) into a monster. I don't want to make her like me. I slide on my mask, allowing the magic to fade and my skin to turn back to normal. We walk into the apartment, very quiet and unnoticeable. I open the door to the room the man was sleeping in.

(Y/n) slips in. The crawls onto the bed and straddles the man, holding him down, arms raised above her head, bat in hand. I watch as the man wakes up. He seemed shocked at the prospect of a woman sitting on his torso. I watch as he screeches, (y/n) bring the bat down with a loud smack. She was laughing. She kept hitting the man, long after he was dead, giggling hysterically. I caught the look in her eyes. It was that of insanity. I have seen it before somewhere.

Oh god.. This is my fault. I've done this to her. I've turned her into a monster. Look at her. This is my doing. Her shrill laughter keeps going as blood completely covers her body.

"(Y/n)!" I whisper, "we need to leave before the cops arrive."

She didn't respond to my voice. I pull her away. She kept laughing so I picked her up. I run her out to the car, where I sit down with her on my lap. I feel my heart race. Not now!

(Y/n) looks up at me. She was no longer laughing like an insane being. Her eyes gazed into mine. Water gave her eyes a glassy effect. This is all my fault. She leans forward and lays her head on my shoulder and begins to sob loudly. I wrap my arms around her, rubbing her back soothingly. She keeps sobbing. Oh god what have I done?

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