Chapter 12

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Your P.O.V

Today was the day that I am going to finally step outside. I probably have some weird skin problem no but it's not like that matters. Jackson told me that I had to wear something to hide my identity. He had bought me a really creepy but cute mask.

It was a cat mask. It had intricate designs but the most noticeable were the bloody tears from the eyes. The base was white and the designs were etched in gold. To go with the mask, be bought me a cat like costume. It was white shorts and white T-shirt. A white tail was attached to the shorts. I got a pair of white gloves (just in case I touched something other than my weapon).

I had already put on the costume and I was ready as I can ever get. Jackson sighs at me.

"You need to eat. It's going to be a few hours before we even exit the forest," he says.

I look at him, slightly surprised that we were so deep in the woods. It had to be at least 100 miles if it would take a few hours to leave. But then again, who drives 60 mph down a forest road. It would probably take all day.

"What time is it?.. I really lost track after all of this," I say.

"4 in the morning," Jackson replies as if it were nothing.

"Whoa. What is the date and year?"

"July 16th 2018," Jackson says.

My mouth gapes open. The last time I remembered it was November 3rd 2016. I have been kidnapped for almost two years. Sweat drips down my body. What if he doesn't love me anymore. It's almost been two years. What if he is with another woman?

As if he was reading my mind, Jackson snaps me out of my thoughts. "You only have to stay here for one more month," he says, sounding a bit put out.

I smile at him, thankful for his kindness to me over the time I have spent here. Of course he is a little upset. I'm probably the only company he has had in a while. He probably just feels a but lonely knowing that I am going to leave soon. I sigh. I felt bad for him. He wouldn't have anyone else and probably would get in huge trouble for letting me leave. I felt horrid. But I can't stay here. I have another life. And it has been my only motivation. It would be worthless to just give it up now.

I shove a donut in my mouth as Jackson leads me out. We turn down halls and make our way outside. I feel the crisp, clean air hit my skin. I smell all of the different trees. My lungs fill with fresh air. It was so different from what I was used to. Cold, damp, and stuffy. The sky was still a dark shade of blue. It was magnificent. A hint of light shone in the sky, suggesting that the sun will be out in an hour or so. It was bright and it want even day time yet. I hope I don't get a migraine.

Jackson takes me to a car. It was a truck actually. A Chevy. It was very nice. Way better than what I expected. I get in the passenger seat and observe the interior. I haven't seen this model yet, it is probably a new one. I laugh at myself. I feel like an old man trying to fit in with "youngsters".

Jackson removes his mask. He mutters some indecipherable words and a small light emanates from his body. Suddenly, his skin turns into a pale color and eyes for in his head. He looked just like he did in my dream. He looked normal. I stare at him, stunned.

"How did you did that?"

"It's a spell. An illusion. You already know I am a supernatural being so you shouldn't be so surprised by this," he says.

"True.. But.. How does that work? Is it magic? I thought you were some sort of zombie. I didn't think that you were some magical entity," I say.

Jackson laughs at me. "I am not a zombie nor am I a magical entity. I was just a human. But then I was turned into a monster.. I am not amazing. I am a horrible creature. I am not someone to be messed with. I am a monster," he says.

I immediately stop talking. I felt horrible. I made him upset. I bite my lip, wanting to take back my words. Jackson starts up the car, driving down the road. As I expected, we weren't going very fast. There were cliffs and the road was gravel. I turn my head to look out the window. A small girl was staring at me, with a creepy smile. It looked almost murderous. I rub my eyes and look again, absolutely terrified. The girl want there. It was just my imagination. I thought I was over that. I shouldn't be seeing that. Oh my god. I thought I wouldn't see her anymore. I thought she only appeared when I didn't get enough sleep. The time I was close to insanity. I haven't seen her in a long time. Oh god.

Jackson looks at me, slightly concerned. I shrug at him and close my eyes. I felt a pair of eyes on me and it made me feel uncomfortable. Jackson shouldn't be looking at me while driving.

Jackson's P.O.V

I drive down the road, (y/n) in the passenger seat. It has been an hour and she still hasn't opened her eyes. I feel as if something was worrying her. Well she does have to deal with the fact that she has to murder someone. She has a strong sense of morality, or at least I thing she does. I don't know what is right or wrong anymore. I know I can't kill. I know that is wrong. I haven't killed anyone so far. I have been close to. But the only human part of me that is left keeps me from doing so. I know I am a monster. But being with a human, makes me feel less of one. But I can't change like that. I am a monster and that is all I will ever be. I can't change. I would have to love if I was human. I haven't loved at all. I don't feel anything.

I glance over at (y/n)'s body. For some reason, it gave me a sense of security while also making me feel so alone. I know she will have to leave. She is leaving me. And I will be alone. I will go back to how I used to live, alone and in the shadows. It's not all that bad. Not after you've been doing it for over a century. But, with this year of company, I don't feel like doing that again. I don't want to be alone. I... I want her to stay with me. I want he to always be by my side. But I know that is impossible. She has to leave. She can't stay here forever. I haven't turned her into a monster yet. If she stays, she surely will become one. I don't want to ruin her. I want her to be okay.

I want to be okay.

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