Chapter 2

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Your P.O.V

I don't know what to do anymore. It feels like months that I've been here. I can't tell. I don't know when day or night is anymore. My eyes have already started adjusting to the dark. I can make out some of the features in the room, yet not all.

Has anyone missed me? Has anyone noticed that I am gone? Are the police searching for me? I just want to leave. I want to go see my family again. I cry, thinking about my little brother. I think about my fiancé. I was going to get married and three weeks. Now they can't find me. I wonder if he's worried sick. I hope he can survive without me.

I start to think about my death. It is clear that I am not getting out of here alive. The man had already cut me open three times. Who knows what for. He may as well as be selling my organs in the black market.

I hear a bang against the door. It didn't open. I heard to voices arguing. Great. He has accomplices. I can't exactly tell what they were saying but it was a heated argument. I twist my body to try and face the door. It was too painful and I let out a scream. The arguing stopped.

I panic as all I could hear was silence. I brace myself as the door opens. I steady my breath as tears stream down my face. It's surprising that I even have enough liquid in my body to cry. I've only drank water once since I came here.

The man walks towards me. I prepare myself for the worst. I wish they would kill me already. I don't want to have a slow, painful death. To my surprise, instead of hurting me, he takes off my restraints.

"Run and we will not hesitate to kill you," he says.

Even if I did want to run, I couldn't. I had tried to get out so many times that I feel like I have sprained my ankle. The man blindfold me and dresses me in a hospital gown. He picks up my body and carries me somewhere.

I have no idea where we were going. Wherever it was, it took a while to get there. He sets me down in a room. The floor felt cushiony. Almost like something you would find in an asylum.

The man takes off my blindfold. Light floods into my vision. It hurts. I can somewhat make out the man's face. It really wasn't his face. It was something blue. I just assume that it's a mask. They're smart. I bet they've been at this for years. Torturing person after person. Why did they put me in this room? I wait for my eyes to adjust to the light. It takes forever and I feel a migraine forming. I groan and hold my head.

After I can finally see, I examine the room that I am in. It was actually quite funny. It was a white room with padded walls and floor. I actually might be in a hospital. Maybe if I yell loud enough, someone will find me.

"Help!" I yell. I did that multiple times yet no one came. The place was probably abandoned.

Panic waves over me. I pound on the door. It was metal and it didn't budge. I sink down. I sob uncontrollably. Why are they leaving me in here? Is it to starve me and slowly kill me? If that was the plan, it was a good one. Slow and torturous. (y/n), calm down. You will get yourself out.

I stare at the blank walls for hours. I feel my sanity dribble away. When I try to sleep, I can't. It's as if I was drugged. So insanity then. They're trying to make me insane. I sit with my back against the wall.

Many hours past. It felt like an eternity. Black spots have appeared in my eyes and I'm starting to hear things. My stomach growls and my throat is dry. I scream and pound on the door again. I do it for hours, hoping to get their attention or annoy them.

Your P.O.V

I have been awake for days. Every once in a while I see a little girl in my room. She leaves quickly, like she was never there. It freaks me out because I never hear the door open. I really am insane. Their plan had worked. Days of no sleep. I don't even know how to think properly.

I see the door open. That can't be real. I walk towards the door anyways. It was really open. I run out of the room. The hallways was dark. Black. The only thing lighting my path was the light from the open door. I see a small rodent runs across the floor. I grab it and tear it's head off. I drink it's blood.

I drop the animal's body. What have I become? What did they do to me?

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