Chapter 5

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Your P.O.V

I don't know how long I have been in the man's room. He has brought me a lot of food. I am guessing about a month with the amount of food he has given me so far. Am I ever getting out? Am I just going to be stuck in this room for the rest of my life?

Over the course of time, I have gotten quite comfortable with my captor. I must be crazy. He is the one keeping me here. Why should I even converse with him? I sigh and stare at the ceiling. He wasn't in the room at the moment. He often leaves. I am not sure what for. He is probably torturing other people like you. As much as I don't want to admit it, I am probably correct

Better them than you. No stop. I shouldn't think like that. Not now. I roll around on the floor. I have already read all of the decent books. I don't really want to read the text books. Human anatomy isn't my thing.

The man walks into the door. His body language suggested that he was in somewhat of a good mood.

"Why are you acting like that?" I ask.

The man sits down at the table. "I have permission to make you my underling."

I shudder slightly. I don't exactly know if it is a good or bad thing. Does this mean I have to kill people?

As if he was reading my mind, the man says, "I have to train you to be prepared for anything. I may take you on hunts every once in a while so you can take in what I have to do. After the Operator thinks that you are completely converted, I will let you go."

"If I am to trust you... Tell me your name. Not whatever fake nickname you have. Your actual name," I say. After all the time spent with him, I deserve to know.

"Jackson," he says quietly, as if he was ashamed of the name.

I smile lightly at his reaction to his name. So he actually feels shame.. What about his actions? Does he feel sorry about them?

Jackson's voice knocks me out of my thoughts. "We have to start training right away if you want to get out sooner."

I nod and Jackson leads me out of the room. He takes me down the winding corridors. Once we got to the main hall, he led me down it. He stops at a metal door that you would see in a school gymnasium. He pulls out a key and opens the door.

To my guess, it was a gymnasium. It had many exercise machines and a big open place. The walls were lined with many weapons. I examined the whole room.

"This is where we will be training. Today we will find your skill set with weapons, to find which one is right for you. If we have time, we will run laps."

I nod and look at all the weapons on the wall. There were so many. Many of then were very beautiful. Some were rusted with blood. I cringe. Jackson leads me to the open space in the middle. I don't want to do this. You have to if you want to get out. Jackson gets a lot of throwing weapons and a target.

"These are to test your aim. To see if you can work with weapons like these."

I take the weapons. I set them down beside me and pick up a throwing knife. I throw the knife at the target. It barely hits the target. I pick up the throwing axe. Same thing. I pick up a Bo Shuriken. It hits the target but on where the shoulder would be. I try the rest of the throwing weapons. I don't do well. Jackson took the memo and put the throwing weapons back.

He hands me a few different types of swords. I shake my head. "I am not using swords. I don't want to hurt someone."

Jackson sighs and walks away with the swords. He puts them back in their place. He grabs a wooden and a metal bat. He hands them to me.

"They will cause damage but not kill," he says.

I nod. I weighed the different bats in my hands. The wooden one was heavier. It would be harder to carry around or run in cases of emergency. I set the wooden one down and hold up the metal one. "I will have this one."

Jackson nods. "Now you need to know how to run with it."

Your P.O.V

I lay on the couch, exhausted. I had run approximately three miles with hardly any stop while carrying the bat. I was usually good with running. But after a while of not working out, it was difficult. And Jackson looked like he was enjoying my pain.

I wonder what his face looks like. Why do you think he has one on. It's to hide his identity. He should show you his face if you want to trust him more.

"Hey Jackson... Why do you always wear that mask. If I am to become your 'underling', why can't you trust me to see your face?"

Jackson sighs. "It's not that I don't trust you.. I just don't want you to see my face. I... I have a deformity and it makes me self conscious."

I try not to laugh. How can that make him self conscious? It's not like deformities are all that bad. "I bet it's not that bad."

"Well you would be scared."

"As if. I got my full share of scary just being here."

"My skin is gray."

"That's not that bad. It's just skin."

"I have razor sharp teeth."

"That's pretty cool if you talk to anyone."

"I don't have eyeballs."

"Then how can you see?"

"Supernatural powers."

"As if."

"Well then how do you explain how my eye sockets look empty? How do you explain me eating kidneys? How do you explain not being able to look at the Operator's face? Your eyes seeing static instead of what you should see."

I shudder. He had a point. But how does that work? How does he know about how it feels to look at the Operator? How does he know all of this.

"What happened to your eyes?" I ask.

"...When I was younger... These people... These Satanist... They poured tar into my eyes. I remember them chanting.... I blacked out and woke up looking like I do now... People thought that I was a monster... Then.... Then something told me that kidneys will keep me alive.. That I need to eat them or I would die... I didn't want to die... I didn't want to kill either... I don't kill..."

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