Chapter 1

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Your P.O.V

I wake up in a dark room. I can't see anything. I groan and try to move. Leather straps bound my hands and feet to a metal table. My head hurts like hell. It smells metallic. Like blood.

I keep struggling. Come on (y/n), think. I try and slip the binding. I can't. It was too tight. I started to wiggle my body. A searing pain flies through my ankle. I remembered I tripped. The pounding headache wasn't much help either.

What exactly happened? There is no way some animal could've brought me here. It must be person. Tears form in my eyes and I struggle a bit more. It's a serial killer and I'm it's next victim. I start to cry. I didn't want to die here. Not now. Not when I have my whole future ahead of me.

I hear a door open. By the way that it screeches, it is probably metal. Footsteps come close to my body and I flail myself. I didn't want to be killed. Still, nothing budged. I start sobbing.

"Struggling won't work," a voice says. It was near me. The voice sounded male. It was a little deep but very smooth.

I didn't talk. I don't feel like talking to my killer. Find an exit. Then find how to break the bindings. I feel a liquid drop on my face. I feel someone's presence hovering over me. I didn't want to know what the strange liquid was. I sure as hell didn't want to find out that the male was drooling on me.

I cringe and try to make out his facial features. It's too dark. Like a cave. I struggle again and the male just laughs. He sounded so confident and sure of himself, like he knew I wasn't going to get away.

I hear him walk away and some metallic banging noises. What sounded like a tray came closer.

"Now don't worry. This won't hurt one bit," the male says. He sounded like a doctor trying to calm his patient.

I start to struggle again. I feel something pierce me skin and I scream. I feel my warm blood drip down my stomach. I hear the man tsk.

"If you didn't move, it wouldn't have hurt," he says, completely calm.

He's insane. I'm going to die. No one is going to find my body because I'll rot in here. I stop struggling. I just wanted it over with. The pain hurt. Tears fell down my face. The man places a cloth over my mouth. I feel myself fade away. This is the end.

Your P.O.V

Where am I? Pain floods my body. I remember. I'm in a room. A torture room. Why didn't he kill me? I gulped down. I already knew the answer. I start to cry again. From my movement, I can feel a stitched up wound where the man had cut. This gave me another reason to hate doctors. Did he remove something?

I try and wiggle out of my bonds. I scream as I feel something tug on my stomach. It was the stitches. I'm bleeding. I hurt so much. Searing pain flies through my body. I scream again, the pain emphasized in my voice. .

I hear the door open and the male walk in. He sighs. He didn't even knock me out this time. He stitched the wound back up. I screamed until my throat became raw.

"Stop struggling. You're hurting yourself," the man says. His voice soft.

He wraps a piece of cloth around my torso, covering my wound. I wince in pain. I stop moving. Everything hurts. Why me?

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