Chapter 9

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Your P.O.V

I look down at my boyfriend. He is on one knee, smiling up at me. Tear fill in my eyes as my face heats up. "(Y/N), will you marry me?"

I smile widely. I nod my head quickly as he slides the aquamarine ring onto my finger. He stands up and wraps his arms around me. I cry and he wipes my tears away. He gently kisses me.

I smile and blush madly. I was so happy that words can not describe this feeling. It is like my life is starting to stick together. Like I found my missing puzzle piece. I wish that this moment wouldn't end.

I wake up to Jackson shaking me. I wipe my eyes and get ready for my training session. The dream wasn't going to put me down. It is going to build me up. This is my motivation. I can see him again. When I am physically ready, I will be able to fit my puzzle back together. Just like a really corny love poem written by a third grader.

I eat the food that Jackson gives me. Today it actually tasted okay. Unlike most days. I finish up my food and grab my bag. We head out the door and walk to the gym. Jackson says we will work on muscles again today. I groan. I am already sore as hell. I don't know how much more I can do.

Keep it up if you want to see him again. You have to. I sigh and walk through the gym doors, setting my bag down to the left of the door. I walk with Jackson to a machine. He sits me down and we do the drill over again. Start out with 10 lbs and add 10 every 10 minutes.

After about an hour an a half, my limbs felt like they were on fire. The weight wasn't the problem, it was the time. I hurt all over.

"I guess you can take a 30 minute break. Then we will work on your legs."

"Ugh finally," I say. I drop everything and walk over to my bag.

I fetch my water bottle and start to chug down the water. I am really sweaty but it doesn't really matter. Human sweat. It's natural. It's not like I have to be ashamed of sweating. I just wipe the sweat off my face and neck.

After the thirty minutes were up, Jackson and I went over to another machine. He put 5 lbs on the machine and told me to lay down. The machine was designed to make someone push up the weight with their legs. After I got into position, he let me work on my legs. The 5 lbs was really easy. I could probably do it all day. After 10 minutes, Jackson put on another 5 lbs. My legs weren't exactly straining but I was starting to get tired.

Jackson kept in the cycle for another hour. I was done. I couldn't do any more and Jackson could tell. I slid off the machine and laid on the floor, face down. I hear a small laugh from Jackson.

"You need to get up. We have to head back to the room. Other people need to use the gym."

I ignore the part about other people needing to use the gym. I didn't want to know who or what for. "I can't. My legs are numb," I whine.

I hear Jackson grunt or scoff. He picks me up by the waist and slings me over his shoulder. He walks to the door and grabs by bag. He walks back to the room and sets me down on the bed. I lay back while he does something out of my field of vision. I shrug and relax since I am on the bed.

Jackson sits on the bed, not too close to me. He sighs and looks at his hands. His body language suggested that he wanted to say something.

"Hey... What's up?" I ask him, trying not to sound too worried.

Jackson stays quiet for a little while before exhaling loudly and looking up at the ceiling. "What is it like.. Falling in love?"

That's a strange question. "Why do you ask?"

"Well.. I have been observing you. When I first saw you, you had a marriage band on your finger. And you always cry in your sleep. Also, you seem much more motivated than someone who just wants to see their parents or siblings again. I've never had any of that. I don't know what it feels like. I want to know why you act like you do."

"Well," I say, "it's really complex. I don't know how to explain it all the way so here is the baby version. Love is when you have one individual that you feel strongly for. Around them, you feel like you can do anything. They are there when you need them to be. They will always cheer you up. They help shape you to be a better person. Realize the best in yourself. They will never be your downfall. They give you reason to live."

Jackson takes a deep breath at my words. I feel sorry for him. I am probably the most companionship he has ever had. He is probably confused. I don't know where I would be without my fiancé. I wonder if he has ever felt love before. If he has, he probably doesn't remember. I feel like he had forgotten all about it during his time here.

"Just.. Get some sleep," Jackson says, breaking the silence. "You'll need your energy for tomorrow."

I nod and pull the blankets over myself. I close my eyes and feel him get off of the bed. I hear him lay down on the couch and I slowly feel myself fall asleep.

Warped Reality (Eyeless Jack x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon