Chapter 3

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Your P.O.V

I stare at my hands, horrified. I had just murdered a helpless animal. And ate it. I shudder. Why are they doing this? Is this all a plan? I try and wipe the blood off my face.

I start to run. I run as fast as I can. In no specific direction. I just want out. I find a door and tug on it. It was locked. It wws just a simple door. I kick the door handle and it breaks. I swing open the door and keep running.

I hear the laughter of a small child echo through the halls. I had no clue where it was coming from. I'm going insane. I keep running with no hope.

I try not to think about my growing hunger. Eating the rodent had only made my hunger stronger. I wanted more. No! Are you insane? You can get a disease from eating the raw meat! I don't pay attention to my own thought process. I was just so hungry.

I reach another door and kick it down. I reach a giant room. It was in a slight dome shape and light poured in. It took a while for your eyes to adjust.

Two men stood before me. A man with a blue mask with a black substance dripping from the eye sockets and a man who had very white skin. I try and look at the white man's but each time my eyes got blurry. I looked back at the man with the blue mask. He looked almost eyeless. No that's impossible. It's makeup. Really good makeup.

I observe their clothes. The white man was wearing a black suit with a red tie. I notice how inhumanly tall he was. And how long his finger were. It was quite scary. I look over at the other man. He had simple attire. A black sweatshirt and blue jeans. They were arguing. Then they looked at me.

I feel my stomach drop and my heart skip a beat. I was looking right at my kidnappers. And they were looking at me. They exchange a few glances at the man with the blue mask approaches me.

I start to back away. "Please don't run. I promise I'm not here to hurt you," the man says.

I don't believe what he says. I study him and I decide not to run. He was larger than me and looked more athletic.

I decided to go with him. He would most likely hurt me if I didn't. He sighs a breath of relief when I stopped moving away.

"Follow me," he says.

I nod and do so. He leads me down corridors. I couldn't tell where we were anymore. We had turned so many times I wouldn't be able to find my way out. It's on purpose. I feel myself tense up.

He finally opens a door and hold the door open, motioning for me to go in. I do so, prepared for anything. The man walks in and shuts the door. I can't see anything the room is very dark. The man turns on a small lamp. It lights up enough for me to see everything.

The room had a couch, table, a small mattress, and several bookshelves. The bookshelf was mostly covered in anatomy books. Doctor maybe. The man sits down at the table, motioning for me to do so as well.

I sit down, opposite of him. He sighs. His body language hinted towards him being stressed and unhappy.

"I'm sorry you had to go through with this. I only wanted to.."

You raise an eyebrow, wanting him to explain. How can he explain this?

"I'm not a killer," he says in a small voice.

I scoff. As if.

"I only take out a kidney. I do what I have to. I always leave them to a hospital. But Operator wanted me to do this. I can't. I'm not a killer."

I look at him strangely. What is he talking about? "If you're not a killer then why did you-"

"I didn't want to," he cuts me off. He rubs his temple behind his mask.

I can't even comprehend the situation. What is going on? Why am I conversing with my kidnapper? I don't know.

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