s e v e n t e e n

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"I have to go to the bathroom" I said and ran to the bathroom .

I sat on the floor and started crying heavily .

I told her not to tell anyone , I TOLD HER , I thought to myself and started to get angry .

"I FU*KING TOLD HER NOT TO " I said and Jin knocked on the door .

"GO AWAY" I yell at him .

He's going to leave because of me , everything is happening because I'm stupid , I'm the worst .

It's all because of you , Seori .

No no , I shouldn't blame my sister! I should've listened to what Seojun said ... I regret .. now Jin is going to get hurt ... I'll get hurt too .


"Open up" Jin said calmly behind the door .


I am sorry , I love you ..

"Stop acting like an asshole and open up" He said .

"Look whos talking , go the fuck out of my house" I said .

This is not me .


Seojun: what did I tell you?
Seojun: I told you not to talk to Seokjin so you kissed him?
Seojun: You want me to hurt you , right?


Seojun: You wanna get abused by me, babygirl?
Me: I'm sorry , I regret what I did .. I really do .
Seojun: I'm coming over , that ass better be out of here when I arrive

"I am sorry .. I just wanted to tease you" Seori said behind the door .

"I told you not to tell them , right?"

"I didn't think you were that serious , I'm sorry sister" She said and I can't blame her , I really can't .

Seori kept apologizing for minutes and I kept saying it was okay and that I am okay when I am really not .

"Send me the video" I said .


I open the video ,

"No I'm not, It needs a special kind of treatment to heal it" I said and Jin hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead .

I didn't want Seojun or anyone to see this .

"This sweater is mine, I want it back" He said . What will Seojun think?

I raised my sweater a little bit and Jin said "what's wrong? I want it back just right now"

The video ends by me pushing Jin to the other side of the room , gladly it doesn't show us kissing but you can hear the sounds of us kissing in the background .

"GOD" I cried and got out of the bathroom .

"Sally , I am sorry" Seori said .

"Did the bo-ys go back ho-me?" I cried.

"..yeah" She said

"Good" I smiled although I'm breaking inside .

"I have to umm... go ..and umm... change" I said .

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