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He doesn't believe me.. He thinks I am a slut! Did he think that I wanted to seduce him or something??

"Open the door , Sally" J- Hope says .

"one minute" I say and wipe my tears with my hands .

I open the door and J Hope smiles .

"Where's Seokjin?" I say calmly.

"He said that he was going to call Seojun to take him home" Jimin says and I feel disappointed .

He's going to leave.. Just like that?

"Seori and Yoongi are having a walk outside" Rap Monster says calmly .

"It's snowing" I say shocked .

"Don't worry , they both look like bears!" Taehyung says and I laugh .

Seokjin wasn't wearing much clothes ..will he be okay waiting outside?

"So what should we do now?" I say .

"Let's continue playing truth or dare?" Namjoon says .

"OKAY , but u guys have to play as well" I raise one eyebrow .

"uuuhh" Taehyung says .

"NO "uuuhss" " I imitate him .


I spin the bottle that we're playing with and Rap monster gets to ask Me.

"Truth or dare" He smirks evily .

"Dare?" I say .

"Wear your shoes"

"Oh thats easy! I was scared for a second" I laugh .

"And then walk around the neighbourhood"


"You won't die"

"But hyuunngg" Jungkook says .

"Omg juunngkoookiee" I say , he cares about me !! He's like the brother that I never had .

"She should wear boots since i'ts cold outside " Jungkook says and I glare at him .

"Yeah shoes , boots whatever " Rap Monster says .

"Namjoon!!!" I say and he laughs .


"Call us if something happens" J hope says and I roll my eyes jokingly .

The street is abandoned , no human is around.

I call my sister , I feel kinda worried about them ! Its freezing.

"Where are you guys at" I say .

"Rainbow cafe" Seori says .

"Come home soon its almost midnight" I say and she hangs up .

"YAAY , now I have to go back home" I say happily after I reach the neighbourhood park .

Someone is sitting at a bench in the park .

I come closer to that person wanting to see if they're okay .

"Jin ?" I say .

"Sally" He says weakly and looks away.

He's really pale ! His lips are not that pink .. he looks really cold .

"Where's Seojun" I say and he doesn't answer me .

"I feel cold" He says .

"Let's take you home" I say and he tries to stand up but fails .

"I'll carry you" I say and put his arms around my neck .

"You're heavy" I say .

"You're the one who wanted to carry me"

"Because u couldn't walk"

"Hyung!! what's wrong" Rap Monster says .

"He's cold" I say feeling worried .

"Help me!!" I tell Jimin and he carries Jin with me.

"Call Seojun hyung quickly" Jimin tells Taehyung .


"Should we call a doctor" Jimin says.

"N-o " Jin says .

"I know how to deal with such situations don't worry" I say and fake a smile .

I tell Jimin to bring Jin's pyjama .

"Aiish Seokjin ! Why are you so stupid ! Why did you leave" I say and he ignores me .

"I'm the one who should be mad at you!" I say and he mumbles something .

"Lay down" I say and he nods .

"Change into your pyjamas" Jimin says and I leave the room to bring medicine .

On my way to the kitchen I see Seojun entering the house.

"Seojuunn , Jin is sick" I say knowing that he'll be worried about him .

"I know! Where is he?" Seojun asks me .

"In my room" I say and he runs there .

I bring the medicine and follow him .

"I got medicine and some water" I say.

"I can see that" Jin says , he's sassy even when he is sick .

"Sally , you can sleep . I'll do the rest"  Seojun says .

"Uuh , okayy" I say .

I want to take care of Seokjin ......

Of course you do , every girl wants to do that .


I show BTS members the two rooms that they're sleeping in .

"Jin will sleep in my room" I say.

"What about me?" Seojun pouts .

"You'll go home" I laugh .

"No , I'll sleep at the couch"

"No , I'm sleeping there" I raise my eyebrows .

"Then,I'll sleep next to you" He says and I glare at him .

"Oh really?" I say .

"Im joking! I'll sleep on the floor" He says .

"Good" I say .


"I'll go check on Jin" I tell Seojun .

"I already did , like two minutes ago" He says and I walk to my room.

"You okay?" I say and get closer to my bed .

"Yeah" He says

"Okay.... bye" I say awkwardly .

"I'm sorry" He says .

"You're what?" I say


"Prove it" I say and get out of my room .


"Omg" I laugh .

"Do you remember when we pranked the science teacher" I say and Seojun laughs .

"That was one of the best days of my life" He  says and we laugh .

"Do you remember anime that we finished in three day" I say .

"Yeaahh !! Beelzebub" He laughs .

"I still can't believe that you and Jin cried when we finished watching it . we laugh .

"Good night Seojun" I say .

"Night" He says .

I feel like I got my friend back , did i forgive him too soon?

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