"You just super-speeded something into your pocket." she tells him.

"Oh. Um, no, nothing. Um, well, actually, it's, um, it's something Oliver wanted me to track down. It's about Damien Darhk, I think." Barry tells her as he walks over to his rack of chemicals.

"I want to see it." Felicity says.


"Because you don't want me to see it."

"I'm sorry. Oliver specifically asked me and Tori..."

"Show me."

"Ok. I don't know what the big deal is. It's just a DNA test."

Barry pulls out the test results and hands it to her as I walk over to her with a frown and bite my lip as I watch to see her reaction. "No, it's not." Felicity says as she looks at the paper shocked then walks out. "Felicity!" I call her, but I know it was no use in trying to explain it to her. "What is so shocking about the DNA test?" Barry asks and I turn to him. "Tori, you know something I don't. Tell me." he says and I sigh. "Ok, but don't get mad at me, because this isn't my secret and I really shouldn't be telling you, but you're my boyfriend, and I have to 'cause we have to be honest with each other, and I need to get to the point." I say as I stop myself from rambling on. "That would be nice." Barry says and I bite my lip as I look up at him with a frown. "The DNA test that Oliver had you do for him weren't for Damien Darhk. They were for him." I say and Barry looks at me in confusion. "The hair that he gave you was from the little boy that we met in Jitters. The little boy's mom is actually Oliver's ex. Turns out that he got her pregnant, but she told him that she miscarried and she moved here. To make things short, the boy is Oliver's son." I say and Barry widens his eyes and I nod.


All of us were in the farmhouse just waiting for Oliver to come, but it seemed to take forever, and Felicity was waiting for him outside. I sat on the leaned on the wall as I watched the window for Oliver to come. Soon, he comes and I see him and Felicity talk. I chew on my lip in worry as I watch them until I feel a coat cover me and I turn to see Barry. "Thought you'd want to talk to him." Barry says and I slip my arms through the sleeves and grab Barry's hand, then we walk out. "But you don't trust me. You never will. And how can I be with someone who doesn't trust me?" I hear Felicity says to Oliver with a tone of disappointment in her voice and she walks away. Oliver calls her, but she doesn't turn back, so Barry and I take this opportunity to speak up. "Are you guys ok?" Barry asks Oliver as we take little steps. "Oliver? What happened?" I ask him as I look at him with a frown. "Nothing. I'm fine." he says as he walks over to us. "Are you sure? I mean, you don't seem fine. You seem out of it." Barry tells him and I nod. "Is everyone inside?" Oliver asks and Barry and I nod. He walks past us and I grab his arm to stop him and he looks at me. "Ollie, you can tell us. You can't hold back your emotions forever." I tell him, but he just sighs. "Let's go tell the others the plan." Oliver says walking into the house and I frown at him. "I have a bad feeling about this." I say to Barry and I see him nod from the corner of my eye and we walk in.

"We're coming up on Savage's deadline." Oliver says as he walks into the house.

"Where's Felicity?" Laurel asks him, but he ignores her.

"Are the gauntlets working?" Oliver asks Caitlin and Cisco.

"They have to be. We're out of time." Caitlin says.

"I think they'll work. That staff's gonna go from Can't Touch to Invisible Touch." Cisco says and I squeeze Barry's hand as we stand with him.

"Savage doesn't know Kendra has access to her full abilities, which makes you our ace in the hole. We're gonna put you up against Savage. You attack with the element of surprise. I will lay down cover fire with Tori. Barry you speed in and--"

"Snatch the staff. I got it." Barry says and nods.

"Where do you need us?" Diggle asks Oliver about him, Thea, and Laurel

"This is me, Barry, Tori, Kendra, and Carter. We've got it."

"Ollie!" Thea calls him to protest.

"No. We're not risking any more lives tonight than we have to." Oliver tells her and he walks away.

"I'm sorry, Thea." I tell her telepathically and she nods.

"Suit up." Barry tells Kendra and Carter.

We change into our suits and we head over to Jurgens Industrial and chain Kendra and Carter's hands together. We walk into the building to see Savage walk in with his staff in his hand. "You brought them. And dressed for the occasion, I see." Savage says and we all stop. "We're only doing this because two lives aren't worth two cities." Oliver replies to him. "Well, in that case, you are wiser than I gave you credit for." Savage says with a chuckle as he takes small steps forward. "It's been a lifetime. Still wearing those ridiculous outfits, I see." he tells Kendra and Carter. "You don't need to be here for this. The culling has a tendency to be unsightly." Savage tells Oliver, Barry, and I as he shows off his multiple knives and scoffs. "You're new friends betrayed you. "Just do what you're going to do." Carter tells Savage as we all get ready. "It's wonderful to see you again, my love." Savage says looking over to Kendra. "I will never be your love." Kendra snaps at him. "I know. That always makes this easier." Savage says pulling out the knife in his belt. "Chay-Ara, parting is such sweet sorrow." Savage says walking over to her and he was about to stab her when I stop him with my telekinesis. Oliver punches him over and over in the face and I dash over to help. I flip over his staff when he swings it at my legs and I do a backhand spring, then I kick Savage's side. Savage shoots Barry and I widen my eyes as I see my boyfriend skid across the floor. I dodge his swinging staff and Oliver grabs it and throws it on the floor. I look to see Carter's wings appear and he looks over to Kendra and tells her to make her wings appear, but they don't.

I kick Savage's stomach making him stumble back and Oliver elbows him. Savage punches Oliver then kicks him to the ground. He then throws two knives at Carter and Kendra looks at his dead body. I punch Savage and dodge an on coming punch, then kick his side. He grabs my arm before I could dodge another on coming punch and punches me over and over making me fall to the ground in pain. He then kicks my stomach to ensure that I stay down making me skid to Barry's side and next thing I see is Kendra dashing towards him about to punch him, but he stabs her instead. I feel a gust of wind and see Barry grab the staff shooting energy at Savage, but the gauntlets don't seem to be working. I would be helping if I didn't feel so weak from Savage punching me and kicking me. Oliver helps Barry and with the little energy I have left, I see their life forces being sucked out of them. "Let go, Barry." I hear Oliver tell him. "No, I'm not leaving you." I hear Barry tell him. "You're fast enough to get away. Take Tori and go!" Oliver tells him as I start to fade away. "Ollie, no." I hear Barry say to him not wanting to leave. "Run, Barry, run." Oliver says to him. I faintly hear an explosion, but I was scooped up speedily, but I pass out before I could see what had happened.

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