August 28th 1998

119 7 1

"Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up."

I rolled over, Draco was poking me in the small of my back. I turned to face him, puckering my lips for a kiss. He kissed me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He was really cold, and hugged me close, trying to steal my warmth. Clearly he had been up for a while.

"Oh fuck you are cold." I said, still pulling him closer though.

"Shut up."

"Why did you wake me up anyway?"I said, whining slightly because I was tired.

"Because I was lonely and I wanted cuddles."

"Oh you asshole. I need my beauty sleep you know." I said, before leaning in and kissing him again.

"I am not an asshole. And you might want to try a different way to make yourself beautiful, it's not working." He said, furrowing his eyebrows in mock hurt.

"You keep telling yourself that sweetie." And I am a sexy piece of ass anyway." I said, and before he could respond I pulled him into another kiss.

He put his arms round my waist and pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my legs around his waist, so I could feel his chest against mine, our heartbeats together.

I kissed him, deeply and passionately, as I let his tongue slip between my lips and graze my teeth. I let out a soft moan, as his lips left mine and began trailing down my neck. I pressed my torso as close to his as possible, gliding my hands down to settle below his butt. He had a nice butt.

Draco was peppering kisses all down my neck and upper chest, before he began sucking on a spot at the base of my neck. I moaned loudly, pressing my crotch to his. He began biting as I moaned in pleasure, running my hands through his hair. Draco's lips moved away from the area and began sucking elsewhere on my neck. I began to kiss the top of his head, working my way down, biting playfully on his ear, before reaching his face. He brought it parallel to mine as I teased him, kissing within millimetres of his lips. Then I moved to his jawline and trailed down his neck. He groaned before I placed my lips back on his. Just as his tongue was about to slip between our colliding lips, my stomach rumbled. Loudly.

This caused to Draco laugh hard, his body still pressed against mine.

"Stop laughing!"

"It's funny though, come on baby, we'll go get breakfast."

I laughed and pulled on my clothes, only getting to pull on my trousers before Draco began laughing again.


"Nothing. Nothing." He said, still chortling to himself.

"There is clearly something. Is there something on my face?"

"Not exactly. More in the neck region really."

He continued to giggle, putting on his shirt and flopping back on my bed.

"I swear to God, Draco."

"Yes I believe I am God, so glad someone had finally recognised me in my true form."

"Narcissistic prick." I said, heading into the bathroom.

I washed my face in the sink, before looking up in the mirror. My neck was completely covered in purply-green hickeys. Every single inch of it.

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