August 9th 1998

211 15 9

When I woke up the next morning, I felt complete. I was doing well for once. I was surrounded by friends who loved me, by a school that was homely and a boyfriend who cared about me. It was perfect.

"Ron. Ron- are you awake yet?"

I got no response from the lump on the bed next to me, and tried again.

"Ron! Come on Ron!"

He didn't stir, so I gave up. I opened a book next to me and stared at the pages, but I couldn't focus. Thoughts kept wandering into my head. I have with this as well. So I went to the window.

The sun was already shining and it was a cloudless day. I could see Hagrid tending to his pumpkins- which seemed to be growing nicely- and he looked very happy. It was nice to see him happy now, especially after the war. The grounds were bright and cheerful, having been well maintained since May.

There was a collection of people standing by the lake, and they all appeared to be casting a form of spell or enchantment. I didn't think much of it, as large, checkered threads bloomed from the tips of their wands, stitching together to form a sort of blanket thing. I turned away as I heard Ron stirring among his heap of blankets and sheets.

"Ugh. So early." He said, sighing and flopping back on his bed.

"Ron. It's 9:30. Get up you slob."

He heaved and sat up.

We headed for breakfast, just us, as I imagined Hermione would have already eaten, or be eating- because Ron was up so late. Hermione wasn't there, probably off in the library getting more books for us to look at.

I gobbled down bacon, scrambled eggs and hash browns, not talking much. I was so hungry from waiting for Ron and needed to satisfy my appetite. Ron didn't seem to want to talk, also very hungry (but then again, when was he not), and we sat until we were done.

We plodded back up to the common room, weighed down by the mass of food we had just consumed. In the common room, we found Hermione curled up in an armchair and reading a book, Crookshanks purring at her feet.

We talked for a minute and then she handed me a book, which I leafed through cautiously, as the common room fell quiet.

However, Ron had refused to sit by and let us study that morning- personally I was very thankful for this (considering that I was all up to date with my work)- so we headed to the common room, catching up, just the three of us. It was nice to hang out just as friends, with no interruptions like the impending doom of a war and things like that. It was, for once, quiet.

We sat there for a few hours after breakfast, me and Hermione trying to desperately find out what new products would be coming for Christmas and Halloween.

"No- I can't tell you. George might kill me if I do- and I do not want to be in that situation. At all."

We all laughed, but it didn't stop us from pestering him. Soon, we were discussing the schoolwork we had to complete by the end of the month, and how it compared to Ron's life. Neither of us have it especially easy. We talked for many hours, not a worry about the time or the commitments we had for that day.

"Oh shit." said Hermione, looking at her watch.

Me and Ron stared at her. Swearing was not her forte.

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