August 29th 1998

122 8 3

", do you want to have a date tonight? Like a walk and then we could go to the room of requirement for  some fun times?" I said, leaning on his shoulder and kissing his neck.

"Did you just say fun times?"


He laughed heartily, before kissing my forehead. His hand clutched mine, as I nervously looked at the remnants of my dessert.

"Yeah sure baby, sounds great. Now I've got to go and meet Susan, so I'll see you at eight then."

Draco kissed me on the lips before he started to walk away. I held onto his hand though, so he couldn't get very far.

"What baby?"

"One more." I pleaded, puckering my lips out.

He kissed me again, and I placed my hand on his jawline. Draco wrapped his hand round my neck, pulling me closer.   I moved my hand to his shoulder, not wanting him to go. But he pulled away all the same.

"Okay, now I actually have to go now."

"Bye angel."

He left the Great Hall, before I raced up to the tower, panicking slightly. I climbed through the portrait hole, panting slightly. It was only just dawning on me what I was getting myself into.

" have to help me."

"What Harry?"

"Just come upstairs for a minute."

She looked confused but followed me up to the dormitory all the same. I went through the door and lay down on my bed, looking up at the canopy of the four poster.

"Ugh. I need help Hermione."


"Er...I asked Draco on a date. Like a proper date thing. With maybe adult stuff and things like that. And I don't really know what to do."

Hermione sighed, and sat down on the bed next to me. She patted my hand sympathetically.

"Harry, you clearly need some help. And please, it's sex, not adult stuff."


"Don't worry about it Harry. Honestly. But don't force it, just let it happen. And it's Draco, you will be fine. Plus it's now rather than never."

At this point, I turned, hearing faint laughter that was definitely growing louder. It became louder, but then stopped, the person obviously realising that we had stopped talking and were listening to them.

Seamus walked him, still chuckling to himself.

"Aah, sex education with 'Ermione. The classic."

"Shut up Seamus, you don't know anything." Said Hermione, scoffing slightly.

"Yeah you are right, but I've got Dean to teach me."

He winked, before grabbing a book and heading out of the dormitory.

"Right, okay Harry. Just keep it simple, but cute. It's got to be special. But don't stress."

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