August 20th 1998

134 8 1

Once again I awoke in the hospital wing, but at least it wasn't by Hermione. It was by Madame Pomfrey, who was walking around Draco's bed, checking his vitals. She hadn't intentionally done it, but was gliding past my chair in order to check Draco's pulse, as his other wrist was now heavily bandaged with the healing tape.

He seemed to be doing better, from what I gathered in the two minutes I had been (not fully) awake. I sat up and banished the covers I had used that night, after Madame Pomfrey left- having exclaimed that the internal bleeding was clearly up and his facial laceration was all healed. This meant it was just the ribs- being healed naturally-, the small variety of cuts and bruises along with the small amount of internal bleeding, which was being clotted with a potion and nearly healed.

"Good morning angel- how are you feeling?" I asked, reaching over to kiss his cheek.

Draco had already been looking at me, I couldn't quite tell if he'd zoned out or not to be honest, but he smiled and stroked my jawline when my face was in such close proximity to his.

"Hey handsome- I'm doing okay. Better than yesterday I suppose. How are you?"

"I'm alright- tired I guess." I mumbled, stifling a yawn.

"Oh baby. You should get some rest. Go back to your dorm tonight-" I took a deep breath, trying to interrupt"-no buts Harry, you shouldn't make yourself ill over me."

I was about to respond when a second year Gryffindor- whom I recognised from the common room but did not know by name- walked round the curtain into Draco's little section of the wing.

"Hello?" I asked, slightly annoyed at the interruption, I had just come up with good justification to back why I should not stay in my dormitory.

"Um...Harry, sorry to interrupt, but McGonagall wanted to see you. Said something about discussing your accommodation in September."

I suddenly realised. Every eighth year had been sent a letter around early July explaining that we would all have individual meetings about our accommodation. This was because many had been left with injuries, no parents/guardians, or housing anymore. So Professor McGonagall had organised places for us to stay, and wanted our input on wherever else we had thought of.

I bid Draco goodbye, promising to visit him when the meeting was finished. I walked through the school, until I reached the gryffin statue outside her office. I gave the password (ingenious) and entered.

The office was as magnificent as ever, adorned with two new portraits- Dumbledore and Snape. McGonagall was sitting behind her desk, her arms rested peacefully on the table top.

"Ah, Potter. Do sit down, biscuit?"

I politely declined the offer, chuckling slightly as she gestured for me to sit down opposite her. She sat back in her original position, now scrutinising my posture.

"Sit up Potter, I have no time for slouching. Now onto business."

I nodded at her, fidgeting slightly.

"Honestly Potter, sit still. Five points from Gryffindor."

I whipped around, looking to my left, where I saw a familiar face. The face of Severus Snape.

"Severus, pipe down. You aren't able to take points from pupils anymore, you know you can't. Stop trying to annoy Potter and go onto to someone else."

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