August 13th 1998

181 13 2

Hermione straightened and flattened the collar on my white shirt, which was adorned by a slightly loose black tie and accompanied by tight black skinny jeans. Dean had told me to dress fairly smart, but not over the top. It was a classy place, but not overly posh.

Nowadays, the teenagers all seemed to wear more muggle clothing, so we all decided to opt for that. Dress robes seemed far too sophisticated for a double date.

I walked to the entrance hall, where my boyfriend was waiting. He was dressed in a dark grey shirt, complete with a navy tie, as well as dark trousers and smart shoes. His outfit was very handsome, and made him look stunning.

"See, what did I tell you?" I said, as I wrapped my arms around his waist, and pulled him into a kiss. "You look stunning."

He chuckled and lifted my chin, to bring his lips to mine. It felt like floating, as though no one could touch us if we didn't move. Shame we had to really.

We interlinked our fingers and set off, though the grounds, where the sun was slowly lazing down and the sky was changing from rich blue to baby pink. I wasn't focusing on my luscious surroundings, however, but on my boyfriend, who was gazing round the grounds, captivated by the beauty. I too was captivated by beauty.

The restaurant was toward the end of the high street, and we met up with Dean and Seamus when we arrived. Dean talked to the lady at the front and we were shown to our table, tucked at the back of the restaurant, close to the kitchens. Honestly, it smelled fantastic and I had to contain my hunger. The stomach rumbling did not help my cause- but Draco seemed to find it incredibly funny.

I scanned the menu eagerly, before settling on having steak and dauphinois potatoes, along with asparagus. We ordered one by one,our food as well as drinks (evidently I wasn't the only one who was hungry) and began talking.

It wasn't long before the question was asked, what had made someone like their now boyfriend? And the someone who was asked was Dean. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure who asked him. Could've been any of us.

"Oh dear god," Seamus arched his eyebrow suspiciously at this,"it's just that there are so many things to list. The way he was different and wasn't afraid to try anything new. How he never gave up despite his knack for explosions. That he always smiled and cracked jokes. And of course, the way he looks shirtless. But these are just a few things, and through out the years the list has just got longer."

Draco and I both awed involuntarily, giggling slightly at the cuteness. Seamus looked at him, his cheeks softening into a smile as he kissed his boyfriend delicately.

I smiled and snaked my right hand up from my side to intertwine with Draco's fingers, which were resting on his thigh. I squeezed his hand reassuringly as we went back to talking.

"What's it like settling in with a new mix of people, Draco? It must be hard making friends this late in the game, I can't say myself that I'd like to do it." Seamus asked, involving Draco more in the conversation.

Draco had warmed even more to the couple, and he liked them a lot before we came. He smiled broadly, before answering the question.

"It is really difficult. Of course it's going to be. But once you find the right people, it gets easier. You make friends with one person and it opens the door of possibility to friendships with people you have never spoken to before."

He gently made a circle with his fingers on the back of my hand, rubbing it methodically.

"It helps, you know, having a boyfriend. It means you meet their friends, become friends with them and go on double dates with them. It's good. And the best bit about it is that I have a boyfriend who I wouldn't change for the world." 

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