August 5th 1998

293 16 2

Today- thank the lord- was the day when Hermione decided we wouldn't do any work. She had somehow even managed to make me study yesterday, before and after going to Hogsmeade. It was a lazy day, undoubtedly. And boy was I thankful for it.

I had never really been overly interested in my studies, but had done well enough in my NEWTs so far. I could not and would not fail these. Besides, Hermione wouldn't let me.

We were sitting at lunch, eating salad and chicken when we were approached by Seamus, Justin and Neville.

"Hey Harry, Hermione. We were wondering if you wanted to participate in a friendly quidditch match we are having, at 3 at the quidditch pitch. It's going to Gryffindor and Ravenclaw vs Slytherin and Hufflepuff." Neville said, smiling at us.

I grinned, quidditch was the best thing to do on my break day. Easily. I hadn't played for a while, but I didn't care if I was out of practice. Quidditch was quidditch and I was going to play. Nothing could stop me. Not even rivalry with my boyfriend.

"Yeah that sounds great Neville! I'd love to come, I'm pretty sure Hermione can help referee."

Hermione nodded next to me and continued eating. She was very passionate about quidditch on the quiet. Once, I had caught her attempting to steal my Chudley Canons book. She made me swore never to speak of it and I heeded her- she is very scary when armed with a wand and a menacing look.

So, at 2:45pm, I changed into my quidditch robes and waited for Hermione to meet me in the common room. She arrived and we headed out to the quidditch pitch, which had been kept neat and tidy by Hagrid through summer for this exact purpose.

We headed out were the some eighth years were standing. Neville split us off into teams, he was also a referee.

On the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw team there was me, Seamus, Anthony Goldstein, Padma Patil, Eloise Midgen, Dean and Parvati.

"Harry, I think it would be best if you organised us all and undoubtedly you are the seeker in this team." Parvati said before smiling at me and gesturing to the team.

"Um...well if everyone tells me their strengths in terms of quidditch and also if you have any big weaknesses and I'll put you in a position based on that."

I tried to smile at them and they each took it in turns to talk to me and the team about their abilities.

"Okay. Well I'll put Seamus, Parvati and Anthony as chasers, Padma and Eloise as beaters, and Dean as keeper. I'll obviously be the seeker. Sound good?"

My team nodded in agreement before we discussed tactics.

"Gryffinclaws are you ready? Time for the captains to shake hands."

I faced off with Draco, looking at him sternly in the eyes. As we shook hands he winked suggestively at me and mounted his broom. All the other players and Neville, Hermione and Susan (the referees to even out against any bias through out the match) mounted their brooms and a Hermione blew a whistle as the balls were released.

Off I flew, scouring the pitch for the snitch. High and low, I was extremely thankful for the lack of wind and rain (after all this was Scotland). I could vaguely hear cheering of the small- yet surprisingly loud- crowd from below, and I checked the score board.

It read: Slytherpuff- 10 and Gryffinclaw- 20.

It's wasn't that bad, we just had to try and stay ahead as much as possible. The game had only been playing for ten minutes so it wasn't that long.

I continued to look around for the snitch, but I had no such luck. That was when I heard a call come out from a few metres away.

"Scared, Potter?" Draco asked, smirking at me flirtatiously.

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