August 21st 1998

151 11 1

Yawning, I rolled over, seeking the warmth I was most familiar with in the morning. But it wasn't there. I groaned, upset at the fact my boyfriend wasn't there for me to cuddle with.

I then remembered that it was our three week anniversary today. That's a long time, for our relationship. There was a slight sinking feeling in my stomach, knowing that we would only have one week together left. Only one week before we would no longer be together. I tried to push the thought out of my head as I got up and dressed, focusing on the positives.

I went down for breakfast, seeing Hermione and waving to her, I sat down at the eighth year's table.

"Hey 'Mione, sorry I haven't been around much lately."

"Honestly Harry, don't worry about it. I get it that you need to be with Draco, you haven't got that long until the end of the summer and the month anyway.

"Plus he makes you happy. It's good to see you happy after so long."

I smiled, biting tentatively into a piece of bacon. I hadn't eaten much over the last few days, a few snacks here and there.

I moaned.

"Holy fuck."

Hermione smiled and chuckled at my reaction.

"Hungry Harry?"

"Fuck yes. Oh my gosh. I didn't know food could be so good."

I hadn't had this feeling since the beginning of my first year. I had nearly forgotten what it was like to be so hungry, it made any food taste like ambrosia.

We carried on talking, catching up on the last few days. Apparently Lavender had been back out with her boyfriend, the one that was quite a bit older than her.

"I don't like to gossip, but I saw a picture of him. Parvati managed to sneak one as he was leaving. But oh my gosh, he is dreamy. Don't tell Ron that, I love him and all, but this guy is like James Bond.

"Trust me Harry, anyone would bed him. But Lav said that he was a bit less self-centred this time, I suppose that's good. I think he might be taking things a bit fast, I don't think she's ready for that yet.

"I mean she going to be affected by what happened to her. At least she isn't a full werewolf, that's a plus side for her. She doesn't want to rush into anything, there would be too much explaining to do for her. I hope it works out for her though, she deserves it."

I nodded, my mouth filled with food. It was nice to spend some time with Hermione, she was always able to bring me back to reality, even when things got difficult- which they frequently were.

"I like your outfit Harry, looks good. Something casual for three weeks?"

I chuckled, swallowing my mouthful.

"Er...yeah. I'm taking Draco out to Hogsmeade. Thought it would be something nice to do for him. I would've planned an extravagant date, but I don't want to tire him out."

"Sounds great, I'm sure you'll have loads of fun."

I grinned at her, finishing the remains of my breakfast before bidding Hermione goodbye- promising to see her later- and waltzing off to the hospital wing.

I was wandering around dreamily, not thinking about where I was going. I stopped off quickly at the library, returning a book I summoned from the common room, and apparently took the long way round to get to the hospital. It was half past twelve when I got there- and honestly I was getting hungry again.

I found Draco sitting up in bed, looking at the ceiling, while Madame Ponfrey was tending to his arm.

"Ah, Mr Potter. Just in time I see, I couldn't hold in my beans for much longer. I happen to be terrible with secrets."

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