August 19th 1998

165 10 2

A violent shaking of my shoulders caused me to wake that morning. Hermione was peering over me, slumped across the chair, my hand still resting on Draco's bed.

"Harry? I bought you some toast." She held up a stack of laboriously buttered and jammed toast. "You weren't at dinner yesterday so I assumed you must be hungry.

"I saw McGonagall this morning, and I asked her what happened to the people who did it. I already know what happened, it's horrific. McGonagall did say that they have been expelled and are facing an enquiry from the Ministry.

"It's a result, and now we have got to focus on getting Draco better."

"We?" I said, wondering exactly what she meant by this.

"We. All of us. He may not be all of our boyfriends but with the amount we know about your relationship he might as well be. Anyway, we aren't going to let you manage this by yourself.

"We are your family, and family don't  walk away from each other. We aren't leaving anytime soon."

"Thanks Hermione." I said, as she plonked the toast on my lap.

I tentatively took a vbite. And then another. And a third. And then the piece was gone. Merlin, I was hungry. The rest of the toast was gone within a few minutes- Hermione looking at me and Draco all the while, her eyes flicking between the pair of us.

"I'm sure he'll be okay. I'm sure. I hope.  He'll pull through and Madame Pomfrey has healed many injuries before, so hopefully it should all he well soon."

She looked at me concerned. I, however, was shovelling the last piece of toast into my mouth- the sticky jam all over my face and hands. I tried to smile at her.

"Honestly, Harry, I really do wonder sometimes."

We sat in near silence, listening to the hubbub of the hospital wing around us.

"Hermione? Do you think he should be asleep for this long? I'm just scared."

"Don't worry Harry, he's fine. Sleep is very good for you, especially if the injuries are more severe. And anyway, it's only 10 o'clock, I highly doubt you would be up at this time on a normal weekend."

"Yeah I know- I just want him to be okay. I really hope he is. I don't want to lose him."

Hermione embraced me tightly, rubbing my head sympathetically. It was a friendly gesture she had taken to doing, showing her concern for me.

After about half an hour of talking, Hermione had to leave, she was going to study. She told me to make sure I didn't worry about him too much, and that she hoped Draco would be okay. I smiled and told her I might see her later, depending on how Draco was.

"So Draco, we are all alone. I hope you are okay angel. I want you to be okay. I hope you are."

By this point Draco's eyelids had started flickering, his breathing quickening slightly, signs that he was waking up. Despite this, I kept on talking.

"I mean you know, you are very cute really. I don't think you like to admit it, but you are. Like really cute, oh so cute. Dear god you are adorable.

"But you are also sexy. I think that you prefer that. You are very smouldering. There's this look, so smouldering. Gorgeous. Oh so sexy.

"Yeah I like you. Yeah. Yah. Mmm."

His head moved to look at me, and I put my hand out, interlinking it with his. Draco's face was very pale- which was saying something- considering how pale his natural complexion was. He weakly smiled at me, as I squeezed his hand and moved my chair closer to his bedside.

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