What He Does After You Die

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Unsure what to really do with himself, he continues to hunt the things that go bump in the night. He couldn't make the world safe enough for you to survive in, so he's going to try his damn hardest to make sure no one else gets hurt. 


He leaves the life of hunting. You both had dreamed of leaving that world and moving to a house with a white picket fence, with neighbours who bring welcome muffin baskets. So Sam did just that. Of course he still visits the bunker every Saturday to share a beer with Dean and to talk about you. 


At the time of your death, Castiel is human. So he does what every human does, he mourns. It takes him months to get over these overwhelming feelings but soon he starts to manage them, to remember you without feeling immense pain. Soon he's back to hunting with Dean and Sam. He still misses you but he knows you're safe in Heaven. 


Nope, that guy has got you wrapped up in atleast seven layers of bubble wrap. You aint dying any time soon. 

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