Your Joint Voicemail Message

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Him: Hey, this is Dean...

You: And (y/n).

Him: We're not currently home right now.

You: We're most likely out...

Him: Hunting things.

You: You know, the family business.

Him: Please leave your name, number and reason for calling after the beep.

You: Beep! Haha!


You: do I just pressed this button?

Sam: That's what the manual says.

You: Okay, ahem. Hi, you've reached the voicemail of-

Voicemail: Message recording completed.


You: When do we say our names?



Voicemail: Hello, you have reached the voicemail of * insert a stream of sexual moans and you screaming Gabriel's name *. They aren't able to pick up the phone right now. Please leave a message after the tone.

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