Chapter Three ✓

Start from the beginning

He takes the sword away, try's to, until a guy grabbed him and I gasped. "Bella!" Clary yelled.

When blonde grabbed the sword from me I ran out of the room. Clary was right at my heels and I grabbed her hand. Everything felt like as if it were in slow motion. My brain was fuzzy, and my mind was blank. Did I seriously just kill someone? Oh, my god.

Am I going to go to jail?

I can't believe I just did that.

I'm going insane.

I have to be.

What were those things coming out of her mouth?

When we ran out I ran into somebody and smacked shoulders with them. "Sorry." I gasped. The man stared at Clary and I like he knew us. He kept staring until I ran off. "Clary, Bella!" I heard Simon yell. I ignored him. I just wanted to go home. "Drive!" Clary yelled to the cab driver.


"And then these creepy tentacles seemed to come out of the body builders face and...then the guy just...vaporized!" I explained to Mom, while pacing in the living room. "I mean- I was drugged, right?" I asked her, my voice trembling with fear. "Bella, what did the markings on the blonde boy look like that you were talking about?" She asked me. "Who cares, Mom. Okay? Are you even listening to me?" I yelled, "I think I killed a guy!"

"Oh, god." I muttered, "Am I gonna go to jail?"

"Did they look like this?"

She took the same stele that she gave us for our birthday and wrote on her arm. What the hell?

"Mom, what the..." Clary said.

"Everything you saw tonight... has a meaning and an explanation. I've dreaded having this conversation with you girls since the day you girls were born." She explained. What the hell is she talking about? What the hell is going on?

"A-am I going insane?" Clary asked her.

"No. No. You girls aren't." She said, "But the protections are wearing off. You're both 18 now. You need to know what that means." 

"Protections? What does that even mean? Mom, you... Mom! You're scaring the hell out of me!" I said. "I know, and that's why I've put this off into the last possible minute." "Jocelyn, look out the window. They've found you." Dot said, coming into our living room. Why is she here? I thought she left to go home already? 

"Dot, it's time!" Mom said.

"Okay, listen to me. You and Bella cannot be near me." She said frantically. "Why? What's happening?" I asked. "I got a very powerful person angry." My eyes widened. Powerful person? "What did you do?" Clary asked. "I hid something from him and his followers." Mom replied. "Followers? Why can't we just call the police?" "The policemen you need to call is Luke."  Mom grabbed something out of a box and walked over to Clary. It was purple. The same necklace as the one Dot gave me for my birthday.

"Mom, this is no time for birthday gifts. What the hell is happening?"

"Only if you need it." Dot said, handing her a secret green potion of something after she placed the necklace around Clary's neck.

She's going to drink that?

"Trust your instincts. You girls are more powerful than you know." Mom said. "Mom, I need to understand what's happening..." I "Dot, open it." I turned to Dot. A purple glow came out of her hands.

My eyes widened with shock as a purple wall seemed to appear in our living room.

"Everything I've done, every mistake I've made was because I love you girls more than you'll ever know!" Mom says, pushing Clary and I to the purple wall that was glowing.

"What are you doing, Mom?" I asked. "Luke will explain everything to you. He'll hide you from the circle!" What the hell is the circle? "The circle?" I questioned. "He's the only one you can trust. Where's Luke now?" "Mom, I don't..." "Where is he?!"

At the police station!" I yelled.

"Remember, I love you both!"

"Mom? Mom!" Clary yelled. "Mom!" I screamed. I was being sucked into the purple wall with Clary.



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