Chapter 6 heading to the airport

Start from the beginning

I love my mom. She's so right. You can tell her words come from the heart. She's such a smart individual.

After the conversation I had with my mom, I was a little more relaxed. But it still felt like someone had literally gotten a sledge hammer and smashed my heart into a million tiny pieces. I tried to distract myself, so I decided to make some popcorn and get on my laptop. I signed into twitter. I had +3 in my notifications so I clicked to what the matter was.

Ohh yeaa the tweets I retweeted so people would ship me were done.

I clicked on one and began to read:

#1776 I love your hair!! I ship you with Ashton :)

Then another:

#143 wow you're really pretty I think you and Ashton would make a super cute couple!!

And the last:

#24 I ship you with Ashton beautiful ! :)

Okay so apparently I'd look really good with this Ashton dude, but I wondered. who is he??

I kept scrolling through twitter which made me forget about Ashton and finding out who he was. I ran over to My radio, turned it on, switched it to the pop station, and cranked up the volume. The energy I was feeling was incredible! I was having so much fun! I twirled around my room, lip syncing every single song that came on the station pretending I was in a music video.

I danced until it was 2 am and when I literally couldn't feel my feet anymore. I got a drink of water and then collapsed into my bed. With everything that had happened I was exhausted, and I had a big day ahead of me tomorrow.

* The Next day*

I heard a knock at the door and I was awoken. It was my mom. Yesterday kept replaying over and over again in my mind. I couldn't get I out of my system. I felt like shit all over again. Ugh. I think I'd be able to make it through the day if I just took everything slowly.

"Time to wake up so you wont Miss your flight!" It was 7:30 am. Mom had a Polaroid Camera in her hand.

"what's that for?" I asked curiously.

"It's a present I bought for you. I want you to have it for the trip." She said handing it to me.

"That way you can capture all your adventures!" She said excitedly. I was starting to think that maybe my mom should go to Australia. She'd probably like it more than I would.

"Hehe thanks" I said accepting the camera. Not really sure if I'd be using it though.

"We have to Leave at 8:15 in order to catch your 9:00 flight." She said walking out of my room.

Great. This gave me exactly 45 minutes to finnalize everything for the trip.

"Oh and why is Garrett not being forced to go on this trip again?" I only asked because I was curious and my mom actually never made it clear why I was the only one going.

"Because he has baseball all summer Faith, and I just thought you'd rather go to Australia than have to be drug around to all of his games." It was true. This was Garrett's last time to play summer ball before he was off to college.

"Okay, okay that's a good reason. I guess I would rather go on a trip haha."

On that note, I began getting ready as fast as I could. I ran to the bathroom and literally slapped my makeup on. It probably would've happened a lot quicker if Garrett wouldn't have kept coming in the bathroom and bothering me.

"You know putting makeup on won't change the fact that you're ugly." He said snickering.

"Oh pshh like I care what you have to say. Move I have to get ready." I said pushing him aside to grab my shoes from my room. From the corner of my eyes I saw him laugh.

"Why do you have to dress like you're going to a fashion show anyways" He asked.

"Putting a little makeup on and dressing like you actually want to be seen in public isn't dressing like you're going to a fashion show Garrett."

"Hurry up Faith we have to go!!!" Mom shouted from the kitchen.

"Well I guess this is goodbye 'till next month," I said punching Garrett on the arm.

"Good. I won't miss you." He said chuckling. We smiled at eachother.

"Sure whatever." I said rolling my eyes and grabbing my bags. We kind of had a love hate relationship, but I knew he'd miss having someone to jack with for a whole month.

I headed downstairs with all my luggage and walked to the car. I kind of wish I could've told my father goodbye even though he was on a mission trip in Africa, and he had been for about 2 weeks now. It was sad because he had to miss my graduation, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

The drive to the airport was long and boring, and the wait to get on my flight was even more long and boring. Plus, everyone in this airport was staring at me and it was really starting to get on my nerves.

To pass the time, my mom and I went to eat sort of a breakfast/lunch thing at a resturaunt called Friday's.

"Hey you alright?" My mom asked suddenly. It was so sudden, that at first I had no idea what she was talking about.

"What, why wouldn't I be??" I asked and then it finally hit me why she was asking When she began her sentence.

"Well, I didn't know if you were still upset from last night and I wanted to make sure you were okay."

I felt a burning in my chest.

The truth is, I really was upset. Brett was still blowing up my phone and I was still ignoring him. A part of me wanted to forget and pretend that yesterday had never happened. I guess that's why I was ignoring him. But the other part of me wanted to run back in his arms and be with him again. Yes I was feeling upset, but I wasn't going to let my mother know.

"Oh yes I am fine, thanks for asking." I said nodding my head. She smiled and nodded back.

We finished eating our food by 8:50 and my flight was at 9, so I went ahead and went through all the bag checking processes. By this time anyone who wasn't going on the flight with you wasn't allowed past the beginning of the security center. That was only for people that were flying on the plane and had luggage. I gave my mom a final goodbye.

"Goodbye Faith, hope you have a great time on your trip." I smiled.

"You too mom, I hope you have a great time here in America." She chuckled

The good news is there wasn't a long line wait to get on the plane. I pretty much was immediantly able to get on and there was only what it looked to be, about 14 people.

The coolest part about riding on a plane was the view. and the cockpit. Yea Seeing the cockpit never got old.

Everyone took their seats and buckled their seatbelts as instructed. The flight would be taking off in approximately 5 minutes.

As I buckled my belt, my silver bracelet slipped right off my hand and onto the floor. Crap.

"Ooops, let me get that for you." It was the tall dark-haired boy sitting next to me.

I chuckled. "Thanks." I said.

"Oh, by the way my name is Ashton Irwin." He said reaching out his hand.

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