Chapter 4.

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Me and Christian were left alone. He then turned to me and held my hand, he brushed his thumb on my knuckles.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know." Christian said sacred.

"I know, I know you didn't know it was my uncle." I said reassurangly .

I felt like a piece of shit right now. I started sobbing and letting everything I held in, go out.

Christian then placed me on his lap and kissed my forehead. He rubbed my bac. I just k sobbing.

"I'm going to your house later, ok?" Christian said.

I noddedd.

I was still on his lap when christian decided to lay down. Since he was hugging me I went down with him.

Since today was a cloudy day, it started to rain. Its like my mood reflected with the weather.

"I know this is gonna sound gay, but lets just relax for a while and let the rain wash away your problems for a while." Christian said.

I fake smiled at him.

Christian noticed it and said "No need to show fellings that you dont have."

I looked up at him, and stared into his choclate brown eyes.

"You really, do amaze me sometimes." I told him, then I gave him a genuine smile.

He smiled back at me, and I took a mental picture.

I didn't realize anyone was here until i heard a phone take a pic. It was Cheyenne with her iPhone 5c.

"What? Its a great photo." Cheyenne said.

"Let me see the pic." I told her.

She handed me the phone and I looked at it.

I loved it. It was amazing. The picture was perfect, me and Christian sitting up and smiling like idiots to eachother. I loved it.

"Can you send me this?" I asked Cheyenne.

She nodded. I showed Christian the picture. He started to smile too.

He said "I also want the picture."

"We have the class in five minutes." Cheyenne blurted.

"I'm sick and tired of class, I want to go somewhere else. And not home!" I said.

"Well one thing is that you haven't gone to class and how de we go out without getting caught?" Cheyenne asked me.

"Well at least we are out of the school. Why don't we crawl to the end of the block." I said.

Christian and Cheyenne both gave me a look and asked "Crawl?".

"What, its either that or walk to the block normally and higher chances getting caught." I said with a shrug.

"Ok then." Cheyenne gave in.

"Ok, follow my lead." I said.

I Walked out with my books in my hand. I then started to crawl all the way to the bus stop.I stood up and looked behind me to find Christian and Cheyenne like ten feet away from me.

"Hurry up!' I whisper yelled.

"You know next time i'm waking, Im to big to crawl." Christian said.

Cheyenne just stood up and crossed her arms.

"Whatever. Lets go."

 *Almost Home* (Keyword ALMOST)

Half-way home we start a conversation.

"But I don't just want to leave school, I want to get out of this place." I complained.

"You know what? I'm also sick of this place. Lets get away for at least one day, plus Margaux needs a day to forget this stress." Cheyenne said.

"But, where do we go?" Christian said.

"I don't know. Lets just go to my house, eat a snack, and get ready for our adventure."


Sup main homies! I updated

I will have a link in a status to a picture on pintrest that I will want fore the cover for the sequel of this book! also any book name ideas..its going to be about margaux and Christian and they are going to be friend with benefits! here is the link >>> here it is... there is also an external link.

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