"What does that mean?" Kendra asks him.

"You're Priestess Chay-Ara, I'm Prince Khufu. And we're lovers, soul mates. We've been partners for 4,000 years. We're drawn to each other in each life, and after we die, we reincarnate find each other again, and again, and again. And now that I've found you, we should really get out of here." Carter says struggling again.

"Ok, Romeo, why don't you pump the brakes?" Cisco tells him.

"These people cannot protect you from Savage any longer." Carter tells Kendra.

"Do you know who Vandal Savage is?" I ask him.

"In every lifetime, he hunts us down and kills us. He's done it 206 times. And I'm not planning on making it 207."

"Why does he kill you?" Diggle asks Carter.

"His life force is tethered to ours. Every time he kills us, he becomes more powerful. You do the math."

"You're 0 to 206, and you still think you're her best bet, hmm?" Cisco asks.

"Ok, so what we need to do is just find Savage and get rid of him." Barry says and I nod in agreement as I look over to him then at Oliver.

"Well, you can't get rid of him, my friend." Carter says.

"Oh, yeah? Watch us." Barry says.

"It might be harder than you think." I hear an unfamiliar voice say and I look to my left to see Malcom with his army again. "Is that the only way this guy knows how to enter a room?" Barry asks as I glare at him. "You know, I may have only seen you once, not counting the time he and I saved your butt in Nanda Parbat, but I'm already getting sick of you." I say crossing my arms. "Welcome to the club." I hear Cisco mutter as we all keep our eyes on Malcom. "My associates tell me Savage left Star City a few hours ago." Malcom says. "For where?" Diggle asks him none of us breaking eye contact with him. "We're not quite sure. But I assume after his run in with you, he realized he needed something more powerful to complete his mission." Malcom says and Barry scoffs. "We think he's trying to locate the Staff of Horus." Malcom says. "Sorry, what is that?" Thea asks and I had to wonder what it was also. "It's a relic from our past. An ancient and powerful weapon. If Savage gets his hands on it, it's gonna be nearly impossible to stop him." Carter says and I look at Barry. "Since when did our lives suddenly become an Indiana Jones movie?" Cisco asks a rhetorical question. "Felicity? Think you can find it?" Oliver asks his girlfriend.

"Yeah. It's probably at a museum somewhere. I'll work my magic. See what I can find." she responds and walks away.

"We're running out of time." Carter says  looking at Kendra again. "You need to emerge, now. Come on. What's it going to take for you to believe me? You saw my wings. I know you know this is true. Please, just let me show you how."


We were on the rooftop of a building looking over the edge of it seeing the long drop. "So, you just want me to jump?" Kendra asks Carter. "Fall, jump, swan dive, whatever suits you. Just, do it." Carter says and I look at him with a raised brow. "Ok, if no one's gonna say it, I will. You're insane to make her do this." I say to Carter. "Ok, this isn't the X games." Cisco says and I nod. "And this is how she emerges? She just falls to her death?" Oliver asks Carter. "Yep. 4,000 years of experience says that exactly how. Just watch and learn." Carter says. "And I repeat, you're insane." I say again. "No, I'm sorry. What are we doing? Why are we listening to this guy? Come on, Oliver. You're supposed to be the one who asks questions." Barry says and I look at Oliver with a frown. "Ok, but after what we saw, after what Cisco said, I cannot believe I'm gonna say this, but it kinda makes sense." Oliver says and I widen my eyes. "Great! Esto es perfecto! Si ella muere--" Barry grabs my waist and covers my mouth before I could say anything else. "She tends to talk in Spanish when she's nervous. But even if I don't understand what she said, she might be right." Barry says uncovering my mouth.

I turn to see Kendra stand on the edge and I widen my eyes. "Hey, hey, hey." Barry says worried like me. "Kendra." I say warningly to her as Carter walks over to her. "I need to try." she says and I frown at her. "Are you serious?" Barry asks her with the same look on his face. "Yes, she is." Carter says and he pushes her off the edge. "Kendra!" I yell in worry and dash over to the edge to see her fall. I don't see wings appear, so Barry speeds to her rescue and speeds back up. "Pinche pendejo!" I yell about to pounce on him, but Cisco grabs me. "What the hell was that?" Barry asks glaring at Carter. "Saving her life. You should have emerged. Something is blocking you." Carter tells Kendra. "You say she's the love of your lifetimes, yet, you push her off the edge of a building? Does that scream love?" I ask him angrily. "Well, we should just try again and see--" I interrupt Carter. "No!" Cisco and I yell together. "Yeah, no! No, no, no." Barry says looking at Kendra then back at Carter. "No. We're not doing that again. Kendra, you don't have to do this." I tell her. "Tori." Oliver calls me and I shake my head at him. "Oliver, we can stop Savage, ok?" Barry tells her and I nod.

"Barry! Tori!" Oliver calls us.

"What?" we both say.

"Can I talk to you two for a second?" he asks.

"No, casi mato un amiga! No voy a dejarlo solo con dos amigos!" I say in Spanish as I glare at Carter.

"Tori, baby, calm down, ok? It's gonna be ok." Barry says and Cisco nods.

"He's not gonna do anything to us, Tori. I'll make sure of it." Cisco says and Barry pulls me along with him to talk to Oliver. "What's going on with you two?" Oliver asks us. "We're trying to keep her alive." Barry says to him and I nod. "Then I think we let her jump." Oliver replies and I raise a brow at him. "Are you kidding?" I ask him pretty much still upset about what Carter did. "I get that you're desperate to help and you both want to be heroes, and you wanna save her. But I think she has to have a part in it, too." Oliver tells us and Barry scoffs as I sigh. "What?" Oliver asks Barry and I turn to him. "It's just the rules keep changing. One day, I have to run through time, the next, I'm fighting a telepathic gorilla. And now,  we're what. We're, we're chasing down an immortal madman on a rampage against a reincarnated warrior Priestess." Barry says and the three of us sigh. "I just never thought I'd have superpowers and feel more powerless than I ever have in my entire life." Barry says and I nod in agreement. "That part, I understand. But  you both have already helped Kendra. You have kept her alive. So now, let's help her get her wings, and then she can give you a lift back to Central City." Oliver says the last part jokingly and I stare at him with a straight face. "That's not funny." I say to him.

"Central City." he says and I look at him in confusion as he walks away.

"What?" Barry and I ask.

"What is he talking about?" I ask Barry and he shrugs as we walk over to the others.

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