Volleyball tryouts this week

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*is really scared because volleyball tryouts are this week and there are like 45 girls trying out and some of them have been on select teams and I've been told with my "skills" I have a good chance but still there are so many people trying out and only 12 people make it and yes I'm not get on it but what are tryouts for sports even like and should I change in the bathrooms or lockerooms and I haven't had gym yet so probably the bathroom and only 1 friend as far as I know is trying out and I've never been to the small gym before which is were the first day of tryouts is though I know exactly how to get there and please help me I'm so scared and I don't even know why usually I'm pretty good about these things not that I have any experience with trying out for things and. Bai im

And congrats if u read all that hurray

Also happy daylight savings time :P

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