My Writing Tip

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I'm actually like so proud of myself

Usually, when I write a story on wattpad I never write ahead.

But not this time! For my new book, Villain, I'm actually like 5 1/4 chapters ahead of what I have published!

I wanted to be able to really enjoy making my story and have it be a good book too

I didn't want to have to stress out about not being able to post chapters because I knew they would all be crappy if I was just trying to make them fast

So this was my solution! I've always tried to do that but it never really worked out...
Using my solution makes me feel much happier about the whole thing
The only problem is keeping myself from publishing them all XD

I'm sure you all already knew about this trick but in case you didn't, now you do! I recommend using it

Anyway, if you haven't already, I would really appreciate it if you could check the book I've been working on. It's called: Villian. 

And thank you if you have! It means a lot to mean!

Ok anyway, continue on Wattpadians!

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