Twenty Six

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The referee whistled as Yoongi's teammate jumped for the ball. He successfully tapped the ball making it land on their team's side. Changmin, one of his teammates, got it and started to dribble it to their basket side. He was finding his way as two of their opponents blocked him so he had nothing to do but to pass it to his nearest teammate which was Yoongi.

The girls started to scream their throats out. "Yoongi! Yoongi! Yoongi! Yoongi!" They enthusiastically chanted while waving their banners. Since the bench where Taehyung was sitting was pretty near of their basket side, Yoongi gazed at him while dribbling the ball.

Their gazes met as Yoongi gave him a 'WHY-AREN'T-YOU-CHEERING-ME' look. Taehyung seemed to get it so he pulled out the banner which he prepared inside his bag and held it over his head as he started to chant as well.

"Min Yoongi! Min Yoongi! Min Yoongi!" Yoongi was surprised of his DIY banner so he gave him a smile.

Yoongi then focused on his game as he rushed down the basket making his way under the opponent's arm and successfully made a lay up. The crowds gone wild as his teammates high five-d him.

He was smirking while walking to a nervous Taehyung since he knows what was the consequence that Yoongi was going to do.

"T-That was smooth!" He stuttered praising as Yoongi successfully neared him. Holding his banner down to his lap, Yoongi cupped his chin and leaned down to him for a quick kiss on the lips.

The older then made his way back to the court as if nothing happened.

"Wow. He's a man of his words." Taehyung just mumbled to himself staring at Yoongi in the middle of the court.


Jimin and Jungkook's last rehearsal has finished as they leave the studio after neating themselves.

"We'll be performing tomorrow so we still have a day to enjoy the Foundation Week." Jimin stated. "So ..... Shall we?" He asked and Jungkook quickly nodded.

They went out of the building as the well decorated school ground welcomed them. Many students were enjoying, some are partying with the band, some are just strolling around and talking and some are enjoying at the booths prepared by the different departments.

Jimin and Jungkook walked while looking around when a pair of guys suddenly grabbed Jungkook and handcuffed his hands.


The crowds were still going wild since Yoongi's team has already been ahead of 15 points. Yoongi has also took many kisses on Taehyung's cheeks and lips. The more Yoongi got kisses, the more Taehyung is getting shy since everyone seemed to get what Yoongi's shoot means. Everytime he does a basket, many are waiting for him to kiss Taehyung especially when he has to kiss him on the lips which makes the crowd go wilder but there also few who's jealous and mad.

Despite of being shy, Taehyung still managed to hold up his banner and cheer him up. Yoongi was dribbling the ball when he suddenly dashed to the two-point area and tried to shoot the ball. But while it was in the air, an opponent jumped and stole it from above. The opponent's crowd gone wild while hitting the steel brass in front of them with the plastic bottles they were holding. They quickly ran after them to block but the opponent effortlessly did a three-point shoot.

Taehyung's shoulders sank as Yoongi walked to him. He quickly extended his arm making Yoongi stop from nearing him. "Uh oh. You didn't get a basket so ... No kiss!" He teased as Yoongi pouted at him and stomped his feet back to the court. Taehyung chuckled at his cuteness.

Yoongi's teammate passed the ball to Jackson, one of his teammates, and walked while dribbling it, trying to find a perfect timing of where or whom to pass it. One opponent was blocking him. Yoongi then positioned himself to the two-point area where there was no much opponent and he was free to run off the basket.

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