Twenty Three

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Taehyung and Jimin's first class has just finished as they waited for their next teacher. Taehyung was reading his notes when Jimin pulled out his own notes from his bag to review some of their lessons for the quiz. Jimin started to memorize the every formula as the letters and numbers started to get rambled in his brain. He narrowed his eyes to his own handwritten notes.

"I still can't get why do we have to study trigonometry when we can't actually apply it in our daily life, right?" He muttered and looked to his seatmate Taehyung.

​The brunette didn't hear him, noticing that his bestfriend's stare was passing through his notes. Jimin chuckled.

"Are you reading or spacing out?" He asked chuckling and Taehyung blinked his eyes, looking at Jimin.

"W-What?" He stuttered.

Jimin hissed and looked at his wrist watch. "Our teacher is 15 minutes late."

"Maybe she's just giving us some time to review more." Taehyung said and looked back again to his notes when students started to come in their room and stood in front. The whole class' attentions were on them.

"Good morning, our dear schoolmates." The lady greeted and everyone listened to her. "We are the officers of the Supreme Student Council and we are here to invite you all to the Foundation Day's Afterparty that will be happening next Saturday at 6 o'clock in the evening till 4 o'clock in the morning. We're gonna party all night so we hope to see you all there." She informed and her co-officers distributed flyers to each students and left the room after saying 'Thank you' to everyone.

"This is where Jungkook and I are going to perform." Jimin stated while looking at the flyer. "... so you better come and watch us dance, Taetae."

"Yeah, I'll watch you control your feels while dancing with your crush who also has crush on you." Jimin suddenly smiled but immediately switched it to an innocent face. "So how was Jungkook's confession anyway?" Taehyung suddenly asked since Jimin had texted him about it last night.

Jimin internally screamed remembering how Jungkook said he was jealous of Hoseok.

"He didn't confess actually." He said and doodled on his notes. "He just said he was jealous of Hoseok hyung."

"Then it's an indirect confession. He wouldn't have said he's jealous if there's no feelings in the first place." Taehyung stated, closing his notes and faced Jimin. "But I hate you for not telling me what's going on between you and Hoseok hyung."

Jimin scratched his head and sighed. "He..... He told me he likes me."

"Oh. So he's the one who actually confessed." Taehyung said nodding. "But why?" His face frowned.

"I mean... you don't even know each other, right? So he's liking you from afar?"

Jimin shrugged. "I don't know how did he had such feelings for me. Maybe that is why I've easily encouraged him not to expose Jungkook. He actually confessed to me yesterday. He hugged me and kissed me--"

"WHAT?!" Taehyung interrupted shouting as his classmates gave him a laser beam stare. He gave everyone a peace sign and whispered to Jimin. "He kissed you??"

"Of course not!" Jimin refused whispering.

"But you said--"

"You shouldn't have interrupted me!"

Taehyung just giggled to him. "Sorry." He apologized cutely and Jimin sighed.

"As I was saying, he hugged me and kissed me... almost." He said emphasizing the last word.

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