Twenty One

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Yoongi just watched Taehyung's back as he retreated.

'Your mouth said you didn't love me but your eyes said otherwise.' He thought and turned his back too, dribbling the ball whilst he walked his way home.

Hoseok was wearing his earphones when Yoongi sat on the couch across him. Rolling the ball to the floor, he relaxed his back against the couch.

He sighed. "I lost two important persons for today."

Hoseok removed one of his earphones and switched his look from his phone to the older. "What did you say?"

Yoongi chuckled bitterly, catching his temple. "I said this has been a very lucky day for me." He uttered sarcastically. "I guess I need a drink."

"Me too." Hoseok muttered and stood up to get the beers in the fridge.

Yoongi was first confused as to why will Hoseok join him but he didn't mind after. Realizing that he really needed a company at the time. Hoseok came back with four bottles of beer and put it down on the glass table in front of them. He grabbed one and removed the cap as he quickly gulped it straight like a water.

"Whoah." Yoongi surprisingly breathed out. "What a drunkard man eh?"

"Just want to drown my problems."

"As much as I want to drown mine." Yoongi mumbled, removing the cap of the beer he grabbed. He then gulped the liquid, not minding the pain that stung his throat. He exhaled. "Everything happens for a reason, right?" He questioned, looking at the bottle.

Hoseok didn't answer and just continued drinking his beer. He wasn't listening to Yoongi for he has his own world together with the beer he was holding.

"Maybe he just needs some space." Yoongi mumbled, taking another gulp and emptying the first bottle. "Maybe he was just sick of me. I know he'll come back soon. I know he'll come back to me."


The night was as deep as Jimin's sleep when Jungkook was forced to sleep on the floor. At first, it was really hard for him to get out of Jimin's embrace for he was being seduced by his blood. Good thing that Jimin has slept deeply quickly so he was able to get off the bed, bringing his pillow and lying on the floor.

He touched his tummy as it growled again. "The real monster inside me is really getting angry." He mumbled. "Please wait till the sun shines. Please wait till the sun shines." He chanted, thinking he could only eat breakfast to satisfy his tummy's needs.

He tried to close his eyes and resisted his hunger when Jimin's phone suddenly rang. It rang thrice when he decided to get up and look at Jimin. He was still in a deep sleep so Jungkook took a peek of Jimin's phone to know who was calling.

** Caliing: Taetae ♥ ***

He looked at Jimin again before answering the call.

"Jiminie." Taehyung started. Jungkook started to get worried by the tone of his voice. "Jiminie. I broke up with him." His voice finally broke, making the younger know that he was crying. "I broke up with Yoongi hyung."

He almost gasped but he covered his mouth.

"I'm such a fool breaking up with him when I still love him."

Jungkook kept silent and listened to him.

"Jiminie~" He called, his voice was still breaking. "I'm hurt. I'm really hurt. Seems like the feeling when Mom died is coming back. I don't know what I'm going to do." He barely said, sobbing.

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