Twenty Five

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The chirping of the birds filled Taehyung's hearing. He slowly opened his eyes as his sight met the sunshine so he hardly closed it again, gently rubbing it before he yawned and stretched his body.

He removed the sheet that was covering him and hopped off the bed when he noticed that he has no clothes on. He almost gasped and covered himself again with the sheet.

"What happened? Why am I naked?" He asked himself, trying to remember what happened last night but he really can't.

He massaged his head and made his way to the bathroom.


Jimin was the first to wake up. He immediately hopped off the bed and did a bit of work out as he noticed Jungkook that was covered by the blanket and seem to be in a fetus position.

He didn't bother him and let him sleep but then he noticed that it was already 30 minutes before their first class.

Jimin slowly removed the sheet that was covering Jungkook's face and noticed that he was really pale.

"Jungkook-ah." He called but the younger didn't react. "Kook-ah. Kook-ah." He continued calling whilst gently poking his cheeks.

He then felt his heat so he touched Jungkook's neck and realized he had a high fever.

"Jungkook-ah, you're sick." He mumbled as Jungkook's eyes slowly opened and met him.

"Hyung." His voice was really soft.

"Wait for me. I'll get you a medicine." Jimin started to panic as Jungkook held his arm to stop him.

"Hyung, I can't take any medicine like what humans do when they're sick." Jungkook barely said with his groggy voice.

"But how are you going to feel better?"

"Rest. Rest is enough for me."

Jimin's eyes soften, sitting on edge of the bed. "Are you sure?"

Jungkook slowly nodded and Jimin sighed.

"I should text Taetae and ask him a favor to excuse me in our class for today."

Jungkook tried his best to get up and sit on the bed. "No, hyung. You should attend your classes."

"I'm okay. I just need to take care of you today."

The younger suddenly felt guilty. "I'm sorry, hyung." He apologized, lowering his head.

Jimin smiled and neared him. He fixed the younger's messy hair, exposing more of his face and touched his chin to lift it up and meet their gazes.

"Don't be sorry. I would want to take care of you actually." He smiled sweetly and Jungkook smiled back.

Jimin's sight suddenly landed on Jungkook's lips gently touching it with his thumb. Jungkook's heart suddenly pounds hard.

"I'm not used to see a pale vampire." He stated as Jungkook turned shy. "You drink blood, right? But how do you get pale?" Jimin chuckled. "Why are you sick anyways?"

Jungkook looked away. "I don't know either." He lied.

"Maybe your body got exhausted because of our rehearsals." Jimin guessed and the younger shrugged.

They both turned their head to the door when Jimin's Mom suddenly knocked.


"Yes, Mom." He answered whilst he opened the door. Meanwhile, Jungkook quickly covered himself with the sheet again and pretended to sleep.

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