chapter 8: bringing Mizuki down part 2 (Naruto finally graduates!)

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~Aimi's POV~

I soon found him hiding behind a tree so I walked over to him, he was clutching the scroll close to his chest.

"Naruto-nii." I whispered and he looked up at me.

The look in his eyes made my heart ache so badly. It was the look we had for so long, the look of sadness, loneliness and isolation.

"We aren't the nine-tailed fox, we're it's container, remember? and Kurama-nii isn't so bad, is he?" I giggled. "I mean he's so lazy and.--"

"How did you know I wasn't Iruka?" Mizuki's voice interrupted me.

"Because I'm Iruka!!"

"I see *laughs* you'd even transform into what killed your parents to protect him."

"I won't hand the scroll over to someone like you!!"

"You baka! Naruto and I are the same!!"

'That's not true, nii-san is way cooler than you.'

"If you use the skills in that scroll, you can do whatever you want!! There is no way that demon fox wouldn't try to use the power of the scroll unlike you're assuming."


I looked at Naruto in concern. He looked so vulnerable and depressed. I was about to try and cheer him up when...

"The demon fox would do that, but Naruto is different.. he is.. I've acknowledged him as one of my excellent students. He may not be the hardest worker and he is clumsy and none accepts him.. He already knows what it feels like to feel pain inside your heart. He isn't the demon fox. He is a member of the hidden leaf village. He's Naruto Uzumaki!!"

I saw that Naruto-nii started crying so I ruffled his hair and smiled sweetly at him.

"Well.. whatever.."

"Uh! Arg!!"

"Iruka, I said I would take care of you later, but I changed my mind.. HURRY UP AND DIE!!" He yelled, ready to throw the shuriken at Iruka-sensei.

Before he could Naruto-nii knee-ed him sending him flying backwards, and his shuriken missing it's target.

"You shouldn't have done that!!" Mizuki sneered.

"If you ever lay a hand on my sensei! I'LL KILL YOU!!" Naruto-nii warned.

"You baka!! Why did you come out?! Run away!!"

"I'll kill someone like you in one shot!!" Mizuki laughed.

"Try it trash, I'll return the pain a thousand times over!!"

"Then do it!! Demon fox!!"


"What!? What's going on?!!"

"What's wrong? Weren't you going to kill me with one shot?" Nii-san taunted. "Well then.. I'll start, ok?" With that they all charged.

I wanted to sit back and enjoy the show, but I still had things to do. I jumped down from a tree branch and landed next to Iruka-sensei, who looked shocked when he saw me. I went through the oh so familiar hand signs and started healing him.

"How do you know medical ninjutsu?"

"Well, I used to study under granny Tsunade, one of the legendary sanin." I explained and he nodded in understanding.

I looked over at where Naruto was and giggled. Nii-san stopped and undid the jutsu showing a wonderfully red, purple, black and blue Mizuki.

"Hehe.. I went a little to far."

"Not really, I would've done worst." I said and finished healing Iruka-sensei.

"Naruto, come over here.. there's something I want to give you." Naruto did as told. "Okay, now close your eyes."

Nii-san closed his eyes and I grinned when I saw Iruka-sensei removed Naruto's goggles and tied his headband.

"Now sensei?"

"Now, you can open your eyes."

Naruto-nii opened his eyes and looked at me and Iruka-sensei, we were both smiling at him.

"Congratulations on graduating!" Iruka-sensei said.

"I knew you could do it!" I grinned at my brother.

"Let's celebrate! I'll buy you two a cup of ramen." Iruka-sensei said and looked at Naruto, who smiled and tackled him. Iruka-sensei and I laughed.

I walked over to Mizuki and placed chakra on a seal I had on my left wrist. It alerted my ANBU team members to go and find me. Just then two ANBU appeared in front of me. One had a Tiger mask and the other one had a cat masked.

"Take Mizuki to Ibiki-san." I said in a hush tone.

"Hai!" They whispered in sync.

Tiger grabbed Mizuki's unconscious body and went next to Neko.

"See you around, captain." They both said before shunshining away.

I looked over at Iruka-sensei and Naruto. They were both talking and it would seem like they didn't notice anything that just happened, good.

"Are we going now, Iruka-sensei?" I asked.

"Sure, I just have to.." He stopped and looked at where Mizuki's body was.

"Two people came and asked me what happened, I told them and they took him and said they were going to report to the Hokage." I lied smoothly.

He looked confused, but nodded. "Well, let's go."


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