chapter 31

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~Aimi's POV~

"We want the bridge builder, not you. If you back down, I won't have to kill you." Haku told Sasuke.

"Save it."

"You're making a mistake. You won't be able to keep up with my speed. I've gained two key advantages."

"Yeah, what are they?"

"First, we're surrounded by water." Haku explained. "Second, I blocked one of your hands. Therefore, you only have one hand to defend yourself."

Haku held up one of his hands to make a hand sign.

'One handed hand signs?' My eyes widened in shock.

"Secret jutsu: A Thousand Needles of Death." Haku then stomps his foot on the water and the water turned into a thousand needles.


Sasuke closed his eyes and focused his chakra to his feet, causing him to jump really high to avoid the needles. Haku stumbled backwards, looking for his whereabouts. He looked up to see Sasuke throwing shurikens at him from the sky. Haku jumped backwards avoiding each attack, but Sasuke got behind him in the blink of an eye.

"You're not as fast as you think." Sasuke taunted with a smirk. "From this point on, you'll be the one defending from my attacks."

They went at each other again with their weapons, leaving one free hand. In Sasuke's free hand, he held his kunai between his fingers and threw it at Haku's face, but he missed. As Haku bend down to dodge the kunai, Sasuke kicked him in the mask and send him flying back towards Zabuza.

Zabuza stared in shock at Haku, then at Sasuke who stood confidently, giving off one of his 'I'm better than you' smirks making me sigh.

"Thought you were quicker, huh? Now what else are you wrong about?" Sasuke mocked.

"You made a big mistake insulting these ninjas and calling them brats." Kakashi explained with a little more enthusiasm than usual. "That's just guaranteed to bring out Sasuke's attitude. And he's one of the best young fighters of the Hidden Leaf Village along with Aimi." Kakashi then looked down at Sakura, who blushed shyly. "And Sakura here is our sharpest mind. And last but not least, our number one, hyperactive, knucklehead ninja is Naruto Uzumaki!"

Zabuza and Haku were staring sternly in our direction.

"Haku, if we keep going like this, we'll be the victims instead of them. Get on with it."

"Right." Haku's body suddenly dispersed little waves chakra. "I'm sorry it had to come to this."

'The air... It's so cold.' I thought in worry. Haku put his hands together to make a hand sign, and ice suddenly appeared behind Sasuke. It transformed into many slates of ice that surrounded him from all angles. My eyes widened in fear as he completed the jutsu.

"Sasuke, get out of there!" I yelled at him as he stood in complete shock at the mirrors surrounding him entirely.

"Secret jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors."

'What is this Jutsu?'

Haku walked towards one of the lower ice mirrors and once he reached it, he stuck his hand in first before his entire body was absorbed, appearing inside of the ice dome where Sasuke stood trapped. Suddenly, Haku appeared in the other mirrors, surrounding him.

With concern, Kakashi began to run to the ice dome where Sasuke stood, but Zabuza stopped him.

"If you enter this fight, you fight me. Your boy has no chance against that jutsu. He's finished."

I peeked through the cracks of the ice dome and looked at Sasuke in fear.

"Now, we'll begin. And I'll show you what speed really means." I heard Haku tell Sasuke.

Haku lifted his hands which held his senbons and began to throw them directly at Sasuke. The first one cut Sasuke's shoulder, then another, then another, until a storm of senbons attacked Sasuke, who was completely and utterly helpless. All he could do was hold his head and fall to his knees.

"Sasuke(-kun)!" Sakura and I yelled in concern. Kakashi tried to approach, but Zabuza stopped him.

"Just try to help him, I'll kill the other three in a heartbeat." He threatened.

"I'm sorry Tazuna-san, but I can't stay with you." Sakura said as she walked forward.

"I understand. Go now." Tazuna told her and Sakura began to run, grabbing the kunai off the floor.

"Sakura!" I watched her leap into the air and throw the kunai, but Haku caught it.

"He caught it!?" She exclaimed in shock.

'Nii-san...' I thought when I felt his chakra signature coming this way. A shuriken flew in and sliced Haku straight in the mask, causing him to fall out of the ice mirror. An explosion suddenly went off, drawing our attention towards it. 'Show off.' I smiled.

"Number one, hyperactive, knucklehead ninja."

When the smoke cleared out, my big brother appeared doing a pose.

"Naruto Uzumaki is here, believe it!"

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